15; break a few bones

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"Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don't be afraid."

— Frederick Buechner, Beyond Words: Daily Readings in the ABC's of Faith

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Serena looked up abruptly at Naomi's question, cocking her head. "No one deserves to die," said Serena, turning her body towards Naomi with her brows slightly pulled in. "Skaikru, Trikru, or even Azgeda. Death is a final thing. And whether the goddess reclaims us or we drift in darkness, no one deserves to die for the things they've done."

"And if they've killed hundreds of people?"

Serena raised her chin and softly pulled her lips out. "We're all criminals at heart, Naomi." She moved to touch the younger girl's hand. "We just have to accept our wrongdoings and give ourselves a better future."

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"Again," she commanded, eyeing Naomi as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Naomi nodded, swinging up the pole in a gentle arc. Her fingers released from the wood and the pole flew up into the air. Naomi spun around to catch it behind her back. Her arm flung forward, sending the stick into the air once again. She missed the object in the air and it clattered to the dirt. Naomi sighed and pushed a hand through her hair.

"I can't do this, Serena."

"You will," she said simply. "Again."

Noe let out a small noise of frustration, picking up the pole once again. The training had been going on for hours. Her arms ached and her fingers had been rubbed raw. Naomi repeated her actions.

The weapon flew upwards—too high. Naomi leapt up into the air, spinning as she did, leg in a wide arc. She caught it in her hand and brought it down abruptly, striking the pole down in a circular motion. She spun on her heel again, striking out and withdrawing at an invisible opponent. Naomi twirled the pole in her hand and flipped back, successfully landing on her feet and regaining balance. She repeated the action and backflipped neatly. Serena watched from nearby.

The younger girl threw the pole upwards again, catching it to strike. She spun around and struck the ground: once; twice; and lunged backwards. She whirled the pole around and attempted to fling it forward. The wooden weapon clattered off her forehead and she groaned, stopping abruptly to touch the sore spot.

Serena stepped forward.

Naomi sighed. "What is this even teaching me?"

"Fluency, Naomi. I was taught this movement when I was eight years old. You are starting late." She moved to stand next to the young girl. "Do you need help?"

A laugh escaped Naomi's lips and she looked up from where she had been bent over her knees. "No," she said. "Thank you."

Smile lines pulled at the edges of Serena's mouth. "Good. How fast can you run?"

Noe's eyes moved to make contact with her friend's. "I used to chase my friends around the Ark. Pretty good." She threw the strands of her hair over her shoulder. "Why?"

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