17; the hunt

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"It stood calm against the suburban storm raging around it. The thunder screamed across the sky; it slapped the clouds into a heated turmoil that flew towards the south."

― J.D. Stroube, Caged in Darkness

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Serena nodded. "Yes. You must catch a large animal—preferably a predator—to initiate. Almost every Second passes. And I have no doubt about you, Naomi."

Naomi turned to look at her. "Thank you," she said. "For... this and everything else. I don't think I can ever repay you."

The older girl touched Naomi's cheek. "Do me proud, Naomi. Then we are even."

"And what if I don't pass?"

"You will," said Serena. "I know you will. But... if you don't, Indra will send you away. I won't be able to stop her if the Commander stands behind her."

Noe nodded. "And all of this ends?"

"Yes. So please..."

Naomi moved forward to clutch Serena's hands with her own. She squeezed them tight. "I won't fail you, Serena."

Serena smiled. "Good," she said. "The Hunt begins at midday when the sun is straight above the forests. Come." She walked off towards the weapon's tent and Naomi followed close behind, peering at her friend curiously. Serena pushed back the doorway and stopped beside the pine table. As Naomi stopped beside her, she picked up an object wrapped in cloth.

Naomi furrowed her eyebrows. "What—"

Serena turned towards her. "You have done very well, Naomi," she said, nodding in approval. She unwrapped the cloth to reveal a beautiful longsword. The handle was bound with black leather and the hilt carved in the shape of a bird—its wings outstretched. "I had it made for you, by a blacksmith from Polis." She outstretched her hands so it was presented to Naomi. "It is named Wampleiswis."

"Serena," Naomi breathed. "It's beautiful." She took the blade from Serena's hands, twisting it against the light of a lamp. "Wampleiswis—Death Blade? Thank you so much, Serena. Mochof. Mochof." She pulled the older girl in for a hug.

"Use it well," said Serena. She pulled a belt and scabbard from the table. "Here. For the sword."

"Thank you," Naomi said, wrapping the black belt around her waist.

The two exited the tent again and Serena looked towards the sky. "It is almost time." The sun hung high in the sky. Naomi stared at it until droplets of tears formed in the corners of her eyes. When she looked away, Serena was watching her. "Let us go to the gates."

Naomi slid Wampleiswis into its scabbard, the owl pommel resting against her hip comfortingly. She pushed her hair back in its braids—full braids this time, to show she could be one of them. Her hands picked up her bow resting against the side of the tent. It was made of strong timber and a horsehair string. Strong but finicky, Naomi had learned to use it well.

They were stopped in their tracks by someone familiar. She wore a scowl on her face, twisting her scar to leave a dent against her lip.

"Ashley," Serena said, sensing her hostility. The woman did not move, instead shifting her eyes to drill into Naomi. "Remove yourself from our path."

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