18; monsters

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"She moved like a poem and smiled like a sphinx."

― Laini Taylor, Daughter of Smoke & Bone

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THE COMMANDER STEPPED FORWARD AND RIPPED THE SWORD FROM ASHLEY'S ARM WITH A YELL. Ashley cried out as the tearing of deep tissue could be heard. Lexa punched her across the face.

"How dare you disobey our direct orders!"

"No, Heda—"

Lexa cracked her across the face again. "Naomi is with us. You were commanded not to harm her."

Ashley looked up at her Commander, blood smeared across her mouth. "She will destroy our people."

"That is not your decision to make," said Lexa. "You cannot kill everyone you don't trust. You didn't trust Costia."

Ashley immediately shook her head, shaking in obvious fear. "No, Heda. I did not—would not—kill Costia. I did not."

Lexa looked down at her with a scowl. "Perhaps not. But you would kill Naomi. She is under Serena's protection. She is Serena's Second. That's an act of treason: to kill one of our own."


The Commander hissed. "I gave you another chance after Kirita. To do the same to Naomi is an unforgivable crime."

"Please, Heda, never again will I—"

"To be eaten by wolves." She slashed at Ashley's throat with her sword.

Naomi stepped back abruptly, eyes widened in a mask of shock. Ashley fell back against the trunk of the tree. The Commander turned towards Naomi. The girl stepped backwards. "Commander, I am sorry. She was following me—trying to kill me. I didn't want—"

"It is alright, Naomi," said Lexa, stepping towards her. "I know how Ashley was. She was not a kind woman. She murdered another second of the tribe a winter ago—a girl not much older than you who got under her skin. She was cruel."

Naomi blinked at her and nodded. "Thank you," she said.

Lexa gazed upwards at the sun. It was casting long shadows against the high trees. "You are almost late. Come." She turned to move towards the village, cloak swirling around her ankles.

"What will happen to her?" She gestured to Ashley. The blood had spread down to her breast like a resting of dark red flowers.

The Commander looked over at her, eyes hard. "She will not have a warriors burial. She was no warrior. A warrior does not kill a child being trained. It is not just."

Naomi stuttered. "I don't want people thinking I killed her. If they think I cost a member of their clan her life, I—"

"Ashley lost their respect when she killed Kirita. I will tell them what she did to you. You have the wounds to prove it."

Noe looked towards the dead woman again. She looked older than she must have been. For the first time, Naomi noticed the specks of grey forming against her scalp.

"You must be back by nightfall," said Lexa.

"Yes," Naomi said. She averted her eyes. "Yes."

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