29; trust in the gods

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"Trees are poems the earth writes upon the sky, We fell them down and turn them into paper,

That we may record our emptiness."

― Kahlil Gibran

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Her skull burned, a headache pounding at the sides of her head. She forced her eyes open and winced at the bright light. Noise rung against her ears. She groaned in pain and her fingers curled into warm hands. Noe shook her head as her eyes cleared, looking around her. Bellamy was standing beside her, clutching onto her hand. Octavia was at her other side, sitting on the cot with her. Clarke stood across the room, arms crossed.

Bellamy turned as she lifted her head. "Are the festivities over?" Naomi tried to joke. Bellamy frowned at her sternly. Octavia touched the back of her hand, looking worried.

Naomi tucked her hand up to her face, pressing it against her forehead. Her elbows stung from where she had taken skin off them. When she touched the back of her head she found a mass of dried blood. She winced. "What happened?" asked Naomi.

Clarke tilted her head and walked towards her. "You passed out."

Noe sighed and gripped her head. She ran her fingers against her scalp, narrowing her eyes. "I don't remember..."

"You just fell," added Bellamy.

Octavia touched Naomi's shoulder and looked over at Clarke. "Could it have been the moonshine?"

Naomi shook her head. "There was alcohol? I don't even remember drinking alcohol. The last thing I remember was being with Serena during the night." She put her hand against her brow.

"You haven't looked well for the past week," Octavia commented.

Clarke nodded. "That's true. Have you been eating okay? Drinking?"

"Yeah," Naomi dipped her head. "Definitely." She pursed her lips, blinking against the light. People were chatting outside, but it seemed they had cleared the drop-ship for her.

Bellamy looked over at her with dark eyes. He bit his lip and cocked his head. "Naomi, you said you hadn't been sleeping."

"When did I say that?"

"Last night—when you were drunk."

She touched her temple. "Oh." She shut her eyes for a moment, the world seeming to spin around her. She swayed gently and Octavia put her hands over Naomi's shoulders.

"When was the last time you slept?" Clarke asked.

Naomi struggled to move, arms heavy. She shook her head and lowered her eyes. For a moment she struggled to recall. "The night... I found out about Charlotte."

"Naomi. That was almost a week ago," exclaimed Bellamy.

The blonde shrugged, wincing at her headache. "I can't sleep." Clarke opened her mouth to snap back at Naomi. "I don't want to sleep," she cut her friend off. "I have horrible nightmares."

"You don't... want to sleep?"

Naomi shook her head and looked towards her feet. "You wouldn't either if you saw what I do." She turned her eyes towards Clarke and shrugged again, almost nonchalantly.

𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍, bellamy blake  ¹Where stories live. Discover now