(08: G.G.) The Regular

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You tapped the cash registers screen, placing the order in. You swiped the persons card, and handed it back. You walked off, starting to make their order. You handed them their coffee, hearing the bell ding you saw Grant. You smiled lightly and walked to the cash register.

Grant smiled and opened his mouth to speak. "The regular?" You asked.

He laughed, "Yeah.. Thank you." You placed in his order, swiping his card and walked off to make his coffee.

"So how are you today (Y/N)?" He asked you tapping the counter into a steady rhythm.

"Eh, it's Monday." You smiled as he laughed. You handed him his coffee and he reached out to take it. Your hands brushed against each others, your heart skipped a beat and removed your hand once you knew Grant had a firm grip on his coffee.

"I'm sorry," you both manage to say at the same time. You both laughed nervously.

Since the first time Grant came to the coffee shop, he took your breath away. He was absolutely gorgeous and had the best smile. Ever since then he always came to the coffee shop, every Monday's, Wednesday's, and Friday's around 8:00 in the morning.

All of which was when you worked.

He clears his throat, Very smooth
Grant. "So uhm (Y/N) I was wondering... Would you like to-Oh I don't know, maybe go on a date with me?"

Your heart for sure stopped, Did he just ask me out on a date?! You mentally screamed. "Yea-Yes. Yes I would love to." Grant smiled.

"Great. So I was thinking coffee..." You stopped him.

"As much as I love coffee, no coffee. I work at a coffee shop three times maybe even four times a week."

His face turned red, "Right of course. Sorry."

"How about movie and maybe dinner?"

"Sounds great," he smiled rubbing the back of his head.

You grabbed a piece of paper from the counter and wrote your number on it.

"Call me." He took it, your hands brushing against each others again. You blushed really hard and looked away to hide it.

"You look really cute when you blush," Grant complimented before leaving the coffee shop. You smiled, a little too much. The other customers looked oddly uncomfortable.

You cleared your throat, a little embarrassed. "So what can I get you?"

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