(06: G.G.) Surprise

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Grant has been filming nonstop for the past month. There had been a few night shoots, where he'd sleep all day and work all night.

You lived about a few hours away from Grant, but you haven't really been able to see him. You were thankful you saw him on weekends mostly, but you wish you saw him more.

You called Danielle earlier today, wondering what time Grant was filming. You were going to be an extra that "Barry" was going to save from a meta and you were going to surprise him. It wasn't going in the show but everyone liked the idea.

You drove to the set, as Grant was in his trailer. You got there as fast as you could and went to makeup to get some bruises and dirt and whatnot.

Grant came onto set waiting to start, you walked out standing with the extras. You were hooked by the waist with a harness so when the meta through you up, the harness will take you up. The meta took his stance waiting to grab you.

"Anddd.... Action!" The director yelled.

"Barry" ran to a stop as the extras started to run away. The meta grabbed you by the arm with your back facing "Barry."

"What are you going to do Flash? Come after me or save the girl?" He spun you around to face "Barry."

Grant's face softened, "(Y/N)?"

The meta smiled and threw you into the air, the harness lifting you up. You let out a scream, just make it seem real.

"No!" Grant screamed.

"Cut! Good job everyone, now we are going to shoot The Flash saving her."

Grant was hooked the harness to do the "jump." Everyone took their place and the director yelled action. Your eyes were closed and you felt a pair of arms wrap around you. You both slowly came dowm, since the editors would do the effects.

You both were still connected to the harnesses but continued to go.

"Are you okay?" He asked. You nodded your head, smiling.

"Surprise!" You yelled as everyone else started to laugh. Grant smiled back and set you down, immediately pulling you into a hug.

"Ugh, I've missed you so much. You have no idea."

"I know. That's why I decided to surprise you. So tada!"

"Well this is a really good surprise."

"Good, that was the plan." You placed your hands on Grant's cheek and leaned in. He helped connect your lips and it felt like home again.

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