My Big Sister

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The places I mentioned in this chapter are fake. I made them up.
WARNING: This chapter may make you feel uncomfortable and/or disturbed.
Discretion is advised.

"Let's go girls!" The Godmother said to the two girls, both were carrying suitcases. Everyone was standing outside in the garden to say goodbye to the Godmother and last goodbyes to the two girls.
The garden was being guarded with bodyguards just walking around clearly holding firearms.

"Be careful, we love you." Alex said as she hugged one of the girls. She wiped away her tears and backed away into the group of girls. She went to where Maggie was standing. Maggie gave out her hand to Alex and she took it.

"Bye my loves! Do as you're told!" Godmother said as she started to walk toward the gates.
"Bye Godmother!" All the girls exclaimed in unison. The blonde woman walked out with the two girls, the last time they'll see them.

Alex let go of Maggie's hand sat down on the grass and sobbed into her hands. That's because Alex knew the girls' fate. Maggie tried to comfort her and sat next to her.
"It's okay, you're okay," Maggie whispered. She smiled because those are the exact words that Irene told her when she first got there, they actually made her feel better.
It should make everyone feel better, right?

"Thank you," Alex got on her knees and hugged Maggie.
She loved how much more confidence Maggie gained, and she has not been there for a full day yet.
All the girls walked in and made their way back to the basement.

One of the girls was able to convince Manuel to watch the television that is in the basement. That's because whenever the Godmother visits, it's a free day for all the girls. No working tonight.
The girls were going to have a lot of fun.

So, the girls moved all the beds that were blocking the television and placed big blankets on the floor. A few girls also brought in enough snacks for everyone.
Maggie sat next to Alex and Irene. They were initially watching a novela in which the main character was being kidnapped by the antagonist.
But it was cut-off by the news.

"We have received news that the lifeless bodies of  Arturo 'el Jefe' Gomez and his wife, Maria 'Cookie' Gomez were found in a nightclub, claimed to have been owned by both of them. Both were known, and wanted, for being the leaders of a powerful drug cartel and prostitution business.

Along with their bodies was the police chief of Las Nieves, New York. And it had been rumored that he was close friends with Arturo Gomez, and worked with him in the transportation of cocaine from Colombia.
The killers are unknown and the scene is still under investigation. All that is known at the moment is that the victims were killed execution style.
We will keep you updated on this event."

Then it soon went back to the novela. Maggie knew who killed them. She knew everything, it was still fresh on her mind.
She soon began to hyperventilate. Then, she began to cry again.
Alex and Irene tried calming her down but were unsuccessful. The other girls were staring at Maggie as she had a breakdown.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Irene kept repeating, Alex ran upstairs to get a paper bag.
Maggie began to feel lightheaded and dizzy. Once Alex came back with a paper bag and helped her breath in and out, she felt way better.

"What happened earlier?" Alex whispered to Maggie as she laid next to her.
Maggie shifted uncomfortably and did not want to answer but she knew she was obliged to answer. Alex was practically her big sister, she had taken care of her completely for the whole day. Even if it has been a day, the connect between them was inevitable.

"In the news they said my aunt Cookie was dead," Maggie whispered back and Alex's eyes went wide.
"Did you already know?" Alex knew she can't bring such a sensitive topic up to a 5-year-old, especially if the preschooler had a panic attack because of it.

Maggie nodded, "Yes, I saw it." Alex sat up quickly.
She couldn't have possibly seen the death of her aunt...
She shook her head in disbelief.

"Are you lying?" A girl who laid in the bed next to them sat up and asked Maggie. She was obviously eavesdropping.
Maggie nodded a 'no.'

"I saw it all, I'm not lying!" After Maggie said that, Alex began to tell the other girl to mind her own business.
"I believe you," Alex smiled at her, but Maggie was not done yet.

"I remember when Johnny pulled the gun out, he almost killed my mommy too." Her eyes began to water again but Alex was quick enough to start humming a song to her.
It was 'A La Nanita Nana.'
She lightly laid her down and brushed Maggie's hair with her fingers.
Soon enough, Maggie began to drift off to sleep and so did Alex.

"Rosalinda! Maggie! Please, don't leave me here!" Cookie screamed and cried begging for Rosalinda to take her with her. She ignored her.
Maggie yelled Cookie's name many times. All Rosalinda did was cover her mouth with her hand to shut her up.

"No! No, please!" Cookie yelled before a gunshot could be heard.
Maggie understood what just happened. The only person who has been good to her, was gone.

Maggie shifted slowly on her bed due to the nightmare she was having. It was practically her reliving a traumatizing experience.

The basement was filled with silent snores from the girls but no one was woken up by the loud footsteps. The owner of the footsteps made their way to the bed in which Maggie and Alex slept on. The person lightly pulled the covers off of Maggie and carried her. Maggie was too deep in her sleep, she did not even flinch.

She was taken upstairs into Manuel's office. There was another man, he seemed to be in his late twenties. He had brown hair and piercing green eyes. The man was wearing a business suit.

"So, this is the youngest one you got?" The man asked.
Manuel was quick to say 'yes' and began to go off on how he gives girls out for the best prices.
"She's never been touched?" The man asked Manuel once again.

"Of course not, she's only five-years-old. The purest one here, you'll be her first." Manuel said in complete evilness.
The man thought for a minute and finally broke the silence.

"I'll come back by Friday night for her," the man said in a deep voice. Manuel slightly jumped in excitement on his chair.

Maggie began to shift in the bodyguard's arms. She began to wake up. Maggie rubbed her eyes and opened them. She noticed how she wasn't in the basement.

"Wow, she's beautiful." The man said. He walked up to Maggie as the bodyguard put her down. The evil man cupped her face with his hands.
"You're going to be mine."

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