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Maggie woke up in the unknown room until she remembered what happened the previous day. The room was really nice compared to the few she's slept in before. It had light grey colored walls, a bed with white bedding, furniture that seemed extremely expensive.

All acquired thanks to drug money.

The room had two glass doors which led to a small balcony, the rays of the sun seeping through saying that there was a beautiful weather outside.
Maggie stretched and climbed off the large bed. She proceeded to put on her shoes, she then walked to the door and opened it leading her to the hallway. She walked to the door of the room her mother had slept in. It was slightly open so she decided to open all the way.

Her mother laid on the bed, asleep. Her nude top half being exposed and no sign of Johnny. Maggie could feel her face heating up and closed the door. She decided to try to remember how to make her way downstairs and get something to eat.

"Hey, princess," Maggie heard a thick accent from behind her and turned around. It was the same small lady from yesterday.
Maggie smiled at the woman and said,"I'm looking for the kitchen."
The woman let's out a small laugh and tells Maggie to follow her.
The woman gave her some milk and cookies, something Maggie enjoyed.

Her mother would usually just throw some ramen on a boiling pot of water for breakfast, not the best way to start a day.
After a while, Maggie decided to help the woman around with some cleaning. Even though the lady told her not to, she couldn't say 'no' to such a helpful  child.

They were currently cleaning one of the living rooms, dancing around to some music. Maggie was helping with cleaning the furniture. With a small duster, she swept it on top of the coffee table.

"Wow, you're so good at cleaning!" The woman assured Maggie, which made her smile.
It was all fun until Rosalinda walked in, yelling at the woman.

"Why are you making my child do your dirty work?!" Rosalinda snatches the duster from Maggie and throws it at the woman.
"She does not belong in the lower class!" She spat at the woman. Rosalinda turns around, head high, and walks away dragging Maggie with her.
Not realizing that she comes from the low-income class herself.
Just how quickly, money can change someone.


"Today I'm having a party," Johnny says taking a puff from his cigar. Rosalinda nods with a grin on her face.
"Wear something nice," Johnny takes off his shirt and walks to his closet.
Rosalinda follows him into the walk in closet and hugs him from behind. Stroking his chest.

"I have nothing to wear," she replies with a sigh. Rosalinda starts kissing Johnny's shoulders flirtatiously.
"I'll tell one of my men to take you to the mall, get yourself something nice and expensive."
He turns around and kisses her roughly.

Maggie was locked inside the room she slept in, not aloud to go outside and socialize with the woman anymore. She looked outside the glass doors seeing the men guarding the house. She was bored out of her mind.
The door knob started shaking uncontrollably. It was her mother. Rosalinda got the door to open.

"C'mon, we're going to the mall."
Maggie smiles, she's heard of the mall thanks to her old friend Alice. She described it a cool place with lots of stores.
"And there's toy stores too!" She could recall Alice saying. It gets her hopes up, to getting a toy on their trip.

Rosalinda and Maggie waked out of the room. They made their way down what seemed an endless row of stairs. By the main door, two men dressed in all black stood there. Johnny walks up to Rosalinda, telling her she'll be safe with both of them. He proceeded to kiss her and signaling his men to take her outside.

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