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"Ugh, the customer today was just terrible," Alex said to Irene as both were walking inside the gates of the mansion.

"What do you mean?" Irene asked as she held onto Alex to take off her heels.

"He was just...a pig. I don't know, he said I reminded him of his daughter," Alex shivered at the thought of the customer,"isn't that gross?!" Alex faked she was nauseous causing Irene to laugh.

"I can't wait until I can leave this hell hole and go to college," Alex sighed.
Her dream is to become a civil rights attorney. Being able to help people fight for what is right. Especially as someone who has had her basic human rights violated.

"You never even went to high school or even have gotten your GED. Sorry, but that dream seems to be too far away than what you make it seem," Irene has been discouraging her. Alex felt her heart break but she soon saw the positive side of things.

"That's why I need to leave this place and continue a higher education. This life experience may be hard, but I've been strong so far," Alex said as they walked inside, "I know I won't be resilient to this current situation, but I know I can be something more. Someone more than a sex object."

Irene rolls here eyes at Alex. She has always believed she's just talk but takes no action whatsoever. Yet, Irene never thinks about what more she could do than what she already does.

"Well, good luck with that," a voice welcomed them into the mansion, it was Manuel.
Alex doesn't even make eye contact with him and just runs downstairs to the basement, in search of Maggie.

Running up and down the basement, she was unsuccessful at finding the 5-year-old.
"Have y'all seen Maggie?!" She asked the other girls, which just nodded 'no.'

She quickly ran back upstairs and bursted into Manuel's office.
"Where the fuck is she?!" Alex slammed her hand on his desk. This startled Manuel, causing him to pull out his gun and pointed it at Alex.
"Don't come into my office yelling at me, bitch!" He said slapping her, making her fall onto the ground.

Alex held onto her bright red cheek, "Please, don't tell sold her!" She pleaded the terrible man, he just smirked.
"The amount of money I got from her were the most zeroes I've ever been paid," he chuckled as he sat back down.

Her heart dropped to her stomach, he sold her. No mercy for a baby. The disgust.
Alex got up on her feet and ran to him and began punching him. One of Manuel's security guards came and pulled her away, she began kicking but was being dragged away.
Maggie woke up in the strange room from the previous night, she began to cry. The man walked in, the man that hurt her.
"Morning beautiful," he sat next to her on the bed, wiping her tears with his thumb. Quickly, Maggie slaps his hand away.

"We have to take you back home soon," the man says standing up, "you better be out in the next fucking five minutes."

Maggie begins to tear up, not knowing what he had done to her. But knowing it was wrong. She felt...disgusting.
That may not be the perfect word to use, but it damn sure fit.
After a few minutes, she walked out to see the man already impatiently waiting.
He had a meeting to get to in the next hour, he was an important politician after all.
They took the elevator down and they met with a different receptionist this time.

"Have a wonderful day!" The woman smiled once they finished checking out.

Maggie was shoved into the same truck from the previous night. She looked down at her dress and how it wasn't able to cover up some bruises on her legs. She felt a pain between her legs and she couldn't help but keep it the tears.

As they arrived to the mansion, Maggie just wanted to tell Alex what had happened and just cry. She was just put through a traumatic experience, but if she cries, she'll be told to "shut up" and "get over it."

Maggie was dragged inside, next to the man that had stained her purity. They were let in and they made their way into Manuel's office.

"Aaah Mr. Haven, I'm glad to see you," Manuel faked a smile and stood up to shake the man's hand. He then looks down at little Maggie, eyes redder than blood, bags under her youthful eyes. She seemed different...and lifeless.
"I just came here to drop this beauty off, I might come back in a few days to take her with me again," Manuel's eyes lit up.

"I'll make sure just to save her for you," he says not acknowledging that they were talking about a child. The man just smiles.
"Well, until then," he pats Maggie's head and begins to walk out, body guard behind him.
Once he left, Manuel shook Maggie by the shoulders, "this is some serious fucking money you're bringing in, you better not fuck this up!"

Maggie ran downstairs, in tears. The girls stared at her in relief that she was back, but soon realized how she didn't shine youthfully as she used to. Alex sees her running up to her and she picks her up. Maggie winces as the pain between her legs, Alex just looks at her. She lays her down and notices some bruises on her legs.

"No no no no," Alex looks at the bruises, reminding her of her first time being sold. Tears begin to well up in her eyes, not believing what she was looking at.
"It hurts," Maggie begins to sob.
"What hurts?" She asks as she pulls up her dress, noticing more bruising on her stomach.
"My privates," Maggie whispers in embarrassment, "why did he hurt me?"

Alex looks at her directly at her eyes, "I-I don't k-know, princess."
She begins to wipe away Maggie's tears.

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