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*4 months later*
Not that much has changed. David is still an asswhole but not as much. The hot boy got back yesterday. And David,He has nothing but me and a job. I have to start school tomorrow. YAY... Not I just want to be ok tomorrow lets just pray. Right now I'm sitting with Davis watching a movie.
" you know I'm sorry right? " David ask out of the blue.
My eyes where so big I thought they where going to pop out.
"I just want u to know I'm sorry and I will never do it again. I want to be a father to u and actually be able to call u my daughter." He says about to cry. I just get up and hug him " It's ok... Dad" I say in his ear. We huge for about 5 minutes then we let go. I see him crying.
I smile then say " I'm going to bed." He nods
" good night I love u" h whispers
" good night dad love u to" I say with a giggle at the end. He smiles then I walk to my room.
I wash my makeup off, get in pjs and jump in bed. As soon as my head hits the pillow I was out like a light.
I slap the alarm clock and role out of bed. I'm so hungry I don't know why. I walk down stairs to see David making out with some women.?!
"Dad? What the fuck is this?" I ask as done as I said that he looks at me like I'm crazy.
" this is Pam.. My girlfriend and your going to respect her right?.!" He half yells the last part. I jump and so does Pam. " um dad can I talk to Pam?"
He looks at Pam and she nodes as he walks away.
I walk over to her and look her dead in the eye and say
" I will be nice if your nice." Then she slaps me HARD. Then she says " I will kill u if u tell your stepdad I did that and I am going to be your new mom now so call me mom"
I got so mad I could keep it in." NO BITCH DONT TOUCH ME OR MY DAD AND TRY TO KILL ME I DARE YOU, YOULL BE DOWN IN 1 SECOUND!" I yell in her face. I ran to my dad and told him everything. He looked at me then at Pam. " DONT DISRESPECT ME AND MY KID AGAIN!" He says as she walked to him. She tryEd to hug him but he moved away and told her to leave. As she walked out the door I was about to turn around but I had to talk to him " Dad i-" I was cut off by him slapping me " DONT CALL ME DAD, I COULD HAVE GOTEN LAYED BUT NO YOU COCK BLOCKER" he yells the slaps me one more time and walks out the house. Wow that son of a bitch. I run up to my room and I grab my black crop top that had a pocket with a little alien on the pocket, black high waisted shorts black socks, black bra and under wear, and black vans. I run to the bath room and jump in the shower . I'm just sitting here letting the water run on my face. I finally wash, shave and get out. I dry off and but my out fit on and put the towl in my hair. I look at my self in the mirror the get my best friend..... Mr. Razor. I haven't cut since we've been here and my marks are fading away.
I just want the feeling again to not be in pain. Just as I was about to put it back I feel my arm wet, I look and I had cut 10 times. I quickly wash my arm off and do my makeup ( mascara and lip balm) I then cover the marks on my face where I had been slapped THREE TIMES and my cuts. I then dry my hair with a hair dryer and look at the time. It's 7:30 and I have to be at school at 8:15 so I go back down stairs to see no one. I go to the kitchen and grab me a apple and a banana and eat both slow so I don't get sick. I walk up stairs and brush my teeth and hair. I but my hair in a high pony tail and pull baby hairs out to frame my face. When I liked what I saw I looked at my phone. ITS 8:00! I grabbed my book bag and my penny board. I walk out of the house to see its still dark out. Don't know why but I go to the side walk and I was about to go but I saw a boy waiting for the bus. I looked and couldn't see him because it's dark. I went back in my room fast and grabbed my phone but put my penny board down and walked outside. I still saw him. I walked and sat down on the little thingy at the stop. When I sat down all I heard was music because I had my headphones in. I saw lights and I looked to see the bus coming up. I got up and was about to get on when I dropped my phone I picked it up and ran to get on the bus. Right when the driver was about to pull off he stopped and let me on. I look and saw everyone starring at me. Great. New day, new life ,new friends, new crush....., and new

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