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My mind was telling me to ignore it but my heart was telling me to go get her.

"Fuck it"

I chose to follow my heart.

I walked no I ran to Amaterasu there was no way I was losing her. I should be the one hiding for hell why am I acting like this. This isn't me.

But fuck it if it comes to Amaterasu then anything.

I grabbed her hand and she looked at me with those sad eyes.

"T-Tobio-Kun.." She said shocked of my appearance.

"Come with me" I said to her then looked at the bed headed guy "don't follow us" then ran off.

"Tobio-kun! Tobio-kun what are you doing?" She yelled out as we ran to who knows where.

"I-I don't know honestly but Amaterasu you have to promise me that.." I thought about the time she cried in my arms. "That you will only cry in my arms and I'll promise you that I won't let anyone else cry in my arms" I pulled her to my chest.

Honestly I don't know if it was me talking but I felt like I accomplished something that wasn't volleyball.

"O-okay.." She said.

I pulled away and handed her a towel "now stop being a baby and wipe your face you look like a kid that's lost" I said looking away because I can feel the blush on my face.

"Thank you and shut up you Baka" she grabbed the towel then flicked my forehead.

"Ouch!" I rubbed my head "tsk it's true you" still rubbing my head but I had a smile on my face.

Right then someone ruin the moment "Oi! Kageyama I'm gonna kill you if you don't get you ass in here and if you tryna fancy Amaterasu" Daichi yelled out.

"shit..." I said under my breath Amaterasu was trying to hold her laugh back in.

"Coming!" I looked at Amaterasu "stop laughing you Baka now let's go before Daichi kills us" I said.

~Amaterasu's POV~

As we got inside Tobio gathered up with the others while I sat down at the bleachers. The team yelled out their cheers and got into their positions.

"Let's do this!" Daichi yelled out.
"YES SIR!" The rest of the Karasuno team answered.

-time skip-

Karasuno lost their first set and their second set...but they had fun and Hinata finally opened his eyes while spiking! Man I am so proud of him.

Now everyone is getting ready to leave, I reached out for my stuff but then some else got it before I did.

I quickly turned around to see who the culprit was "tetsuro what do you want?" I asked not wanting to deal with what he wants.

He gave me his classic smirk "you aren't leaving until I get to play a game with you" he said bending down to my size.

I groaned "of course you would say that" I face palmed myself.

"Hurry up guys we have to go!" Daichi called out

My face light up as he said that "sorry tet-chan~ but it looks like I have to g-".

"Never mind....ukai-sensei said that we are going To play another round...." Daichi said with his shoulders dropping down.

Everyone groaned as they entered back into the gym. I looked at tetsuro with a death glare.

Tetsuro shrugged it off like he knew nothing but he did I know he did. He skipped away happily like a champion.

My right eye twitched "I'm going to kill you tetsuro".

-time skip-

Everyone was getting ready in their positions, I was in the front stretching as I was waiting for the others to get in their positions.

"We didn't go home because of her? Bet she isn't good at all" A boy with a blonde Mohawk spoke.

I glared at him "shut it rooster head don't blame me blame your stupid bed headed captain".

The boys behind him started laughing as the rooster head boy gave me a nasty glare. I gave him a nasty smirk in return.

The game finally started the opposing team served first. Noya got the ball causing it to go up high in the air.

Sugawara gave me the signal for when he is setting the ball for me. I nodded and quickly got into place waiting for him to set the ball for me.

He set the ball and I jumped getting ready to hit the ball like never before. The blockers on the opposing side jumped too, they thought the ball wasn't going to go pasted them.


The ball knocked their hands, both of them almost fell back. They weren't expecting for my spikes to be that powerful. The rooster head boy looked at me full of surprise with his mouth gaping wide open.

"Don't think so lightly of her you idiots!" Kuroo yelled out to his team.

The game kept going on eventually my team finally won. Kuroo's team man they were stubborn but we pulled through showing them what we got.

Finally we cleaned up and for sure no more rematches since everyone here was tired and exhausted thanks to kuroo. I was done cleaning so I decided to pack up and wait outside for the others. I grabbed my water bottle out and took a sip out of it and leaned against the wall closing my eyes.

"That was fun"

I turned to see Kuroo standing right next to me, his hair still messy then ever.

"Yeah it was" I said looking at the sky "the stars in Japan are beautiful I wonder why I left Japan" I smiled.

"It's not the only thing that is beautiful" he said

I turned to see him looking right at me "C'mon stop joking around with your jokes you flirt" I playfully punched him.

"I'm not joking Amaterasu, you are the most beautiful thing I've ever laid eyes on" he said getting closer to me.

"Kuroo..." I turned as he was inches away from me "I don't like you like that Kuroo, I never liked you like that".

He grabbed my arm and spun me around and embraced me "If it wasn't for him you would've liked me, if he didn't show up you would've loved me instead, he left you but I will never leave you" he held me closer.

I slowly pulled away from him "don't bring him up, why would you bring him up.." I looked at kuroo "you know damn well to never bring him up so why...?" Tears began to fall.

"A-Amaterasu.. I didn't mean to-" kuroo was cut off by someone.

"Oi why don't you leave her alone"

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