Desire and Attraction

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Disclaimer: I do not own Diabolik Lovers.

Warning: Triplets x Male Reader.

Note: Enjoy.

Summary: You were simply an ordinary college student, who needed the extra cash to pay your tuition fees, so you innocently accepted working inside the Sakamaki Mansion as a maid, but you absolutely had no idea the hell that was awaiting you through those double doors. However, are you truly ordinary or meant for something greater?

Chapter One

The sun was falling lower and lower in the orange and crimson painted skies, as you pulled your luggage through the heavy and weathered gates, while gazing up at the nearly fairytale appearing like mansion with an agape expression contorted into your face. In all honesty, the only reason you were moving into the stylish home was that the condition was required to attain the job, which you needed to pay your way through the prestigious college you were attending. However, the way your heart was pounding at the front double doors was the only sign you needed to turn around and leave the eerie mansion along with the strange family probably awaiting for you inside, so you began to walk back down the steps, as the front doors creaked open, while you froze in your tracks. "(Y/N)?" a deep voice muttered, while you slowly turned around to face the tall purple haired teenager with cool looking glasses. "Why are you still standing there? We need our maid to clean the mess in the kitchen right away."

The amethyst haired teen stepped aside, while you bit down on your lower lip and entered the creepy mansion, as the doors quickly slammed shut behind you, which sent shivers down your spine, but you pushed your fears away and followed the other boy into the kitchen, where you were met with the horrifying sight. "I expect this eyesore to be cleaned thoroughly," the violet haired teenager commanded, while you glanced over the smeared icing, broken dishes, and glass bits scattering the countertops. "You are also required to prepare dinner for the triplets, as well. If you need any assistance, then come seek me upstairs in my office. Understood?"

The straightforward demand nearly left you speechless, but you quickly nodded, which seemed a good enough answer for the purple haired teen, who immediately turned around and disappeared somewhere upstairs, as you wrapped the frilly and lacy ebony apron around your waist, while picking up the broken bits of shattered glass from the floor. "What happened in here?" you muttered, as you wiped away the icing from the countertops, while rinsing the rag in the noticeably rarely used sink, then continuing once again to clean up the icing. "He didn't even tell me what the triplets wanted to eat. What am I supposed to do now?"

You eventually headed upstairs and towards the direction the violet haired teenager with eyeglasses ventured, but your aimless exploring proved to be useful, because your feet eventually led you to the bossy purple haired teen's office, where you knocked respectively upon the heavy wooden door. "May I come inside?" you asked, as the door creaked open, while you stepped into the room, which was filled with books and papers. "I've already cleaned the mess in the kitchen, but what exactly do the triplets want to eat for dinner?"

The amethyst haired teenager frowned and gazed down upon you with an unreadable expression, which you frankly did not appreciate, because you clearly had gone out of your way to be kind, so why could he not extend the same courtesy to you? In all honesty, you absolutely despised rich kids, because they were all rude, spoiled, and entitled, like the one in front of you! "By now, I would have thought that their presence would be known to you," he said, while giving you a little smirk and sitting back down into his office chair. "Well, I know that those three really enjoy eating sweet things, so does that help you prepare dinner for them?"


How could that little piece of information exactly help you prepare dinner for the triplets? Despite the struggle, you had settled on baking a large chocolate cake for the three brothers, which was more like a desert, but hopefully the triplets did not mind, because you could always make something else for them, as you had taken a cooking and baking class, so you would not starve throughout your college years. "Are you the new maid?" a childlike voice asked, while you immediately turned around in surprise, as your eyes glazed over another violet haired teenager, who seriously sent shivers down your spine, because he appeared so unnatural, but strangely adorable at the same time. "You're baking something sweet, aren't you?"

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