Lustful Obsession

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Warning: Triplets/Male Reader.

Chapter Five

Even though the drug had slowed down his movements, (M/N) had not stopped thrashing and struggling around in the hopes of escaping his kidnappers, because he had suspected that this would be his only chance of escaping them, but the vampiric triplets were terribly stronger than him in every possible sense. After all, (M/N) had been easily overpowered and forced into the backseat of the expensive limo, while both of his wrists were grasped tightly and held captive to restrain him from escaping, as his lacy nightgown accidently became undone and revealed delicate (S/C) flesh that teased the vampiric triplets imprisoning him. "You're so beautiful," Ayato said, while roughly yanking (M/N) into his lap, as the (E/C) eyed boy immediately began squirming around in fear, because the emerald eyed vampire had brushed (H/C) locks away from his neck and probably for the reason of not being disturbed during the biting time. "You're feisty. I like that the most about you."

At the same time, (M/N) had been trying to fight off the eldest of the triplets, because the auburn haired vampire was attempting to spread his legs apart and get in-between them. However, (M/N) was quickly subdued and defeated, because he had become quite distracted and frightened upon feeling the amethyst eyed vampire mischievously nibbling on his wrist. "Let go of me!" (M/N) cried out, while squeezing his (E/C) orbs shut in terror and anticipation, as cold lips rather than fangs pressed against his flesh, making him flutter his (E/C) hues open in bewilderment. "What do you think you three are doing? Let go of me this instant!"

In due time, (M/N) had been released, but he had been released with reddish and purplish bruises flowering his skin and immediately panicked, because his parents would be extremely infuriated with him if they saw the love bites. Not only that, but he was also worried about the insane things his overprotective siblings and cousins would do if they saw the love bites as well. With an angry glare, (M/N) had fixed his nightgown and sat as far away as possible from the triplets in the limo. "I can't believe I'm getting kidnapped by high schoolers," (M/N) thought, while gazing out of the window at the familiar scenery passing him by, as the triplets proudly and smugly poured themselves a wine glass full of dark crimson liquid. "I hate rich kids so much. They have the wealth and looks, but never the brains, never ever the brains. That means I can outsmart them and escape, but I'll have to keep an eye out for their annoying tableware lover and such a wannabe half-brother. After all, Reiji is the only remotely clever one there."


After arriving at the mansion, (M/N) had been snatched up bridal style in the crimson haired vampire's arms and taken away upstairs to his previous bedroom. Once inside of his chambers, (M/N) was unceremoniously thrown onto the soft and fluffy mattress, with his body bouncing several times upon landing and almost sending falling down onto the ground. Grumbling in frustration, (M/N) had huffed angrily and blew (H/C) locks out of his face before sending the emerald eyed vampire a glare. "Did you expect something higher of me?" Ayato asked, while pining (M/N) down onto the bed, as the (H/C) haired boy frowned and turned his face away from the redhead. "Let me remind you again - vampires aren't gentlemen."

With that declared, Ayato had roughly grabbed a fistful of (H/C) silky strands and yanked his head forcefully backwards, while smugly and proudly biting into the side of his neck that had been adorned with a love bite from him earlier in the limo, as his (H/C) eyebrows knitted together in confusion from the strange feeling surging through him, because his senses weren't tingling or shouting at him in pain, but somewhat relaxing in some foreign feeling of pleasure. "What the hell?" Ayato muttered, while unexpectedly retracting his bloody fangs out of (M/N)'s wounded neck, as the (E/C) eyed boy whimpered and covered the bite with his hand. "You taste different, so different from humans, even better than that silly girl sent to be our bride. You know, I would love to devour you right now, but I prefer to take my sweet time doing exactly that. Goodnight, (M/N)."

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