Deadly Need

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Warning: Triplets/Male Reader.

Chapter Seven

When he had awakened, (M/N) had hugged himself and sat silently in bed. His chest was pounding and pulsating viciously with hammering heartbeats. His breath also came out in rugged pants and choked gasps for air. He had been wrought with another nightmare. It shook him harshly. It made him even scared to step out into the hallway, despite it being morning. "What should I do?" (M/N) muttered, while tugging at his (H/C) locks, as his stomach rumbled from being neglected and unfed. "It's noon right now. They will all wake up soon. It's pointless to try to escape now, then. Anyway, if I do, where am I supposed go to?"

Once he had got out of bed, (M/N) had walked towards the bathroom. He turned the faucets and started brushing his teeth. He was doing it on autopilot, though. His mind was elsewhere. It was lost in the realm of memories about his family and friends. "I can't believe this. I'm supposed to be having fun with my stupid family members. But I'm stuck here with these irritating, spoiled, and supernatural rich cunts!" (M/N) exclaimed, while putting down his toothbrush, as he stepped into the shower and started threading through his (H/C) locks with shampoo. "I'll get them back, though! I'm not letting this slide."

After he finished getting dressed, (M/N) inhaled deeply and stepped out into the desolate hallways of the Sakamaki mansion. He had just the plan in mind to get back at the triplets. He didn't care if it made him seem petty, either. "They ruined Christmas break for me. So, of course, I'm going to be mad and petty," (M/N) said, while stomping down the grand staircase, as he trudged into the kitchen and put on an apron. "I'll make their favorite food. Then, I'll eat it right in front of them. I can't escape from here, anyway. So, I don't have anything else to do besides being petty as fuck."


When he had finished cooking, (M/N) mischievously grinned and laid the takoyaki out onto a shiny silver plate. He knew that the smell of it would awaken the sleepy redhead. He was right, too. He heard the sounds of a bedroom door creaking open from upstairs, after all. "You're so nice, (M/N)! You made my favorite!" Ayato said, while bursting into the kitchen, as (M/N) playfully smirked and ate one of the takoyaki in front of the startled redhead. "What the heck, (M/N)? Why are you eating my breakfast?"

In an instant, (M/N) plopped another takoyaki into his mouth and munched on it. He almost laughed when Ayato glared at him. He didn't break his act, however, and placed another takoyaki into his mouth. He continued eating and staring at Ayato with a nonchalant facial expression. "This is my breakfast. What are you talking about?" (M/N) said, while emerald orbs narrowed in anger at him, as he rolled his eyes and ate another takoyaki. "I didn't make this for you, Ayato."

After he had said that, (M/N) began being chased around the kitchen. He couldn't understand why, though. He had shoved all of the remaining takoyaki bits into his mouth, anyway. It didn't make sense for Ayato to chase him, then. It didn't seem as if the redhead would stop anytime soon, either. "Okay! I'll make takoyaki just for you," (M/N) said, while Ayato grumbled and stomped back upstairs, as (M/N) giggled and watched him leave. "No, I won't. And, if I did, I won't make as much as I made for myself right now."


Once he had finished baking, (M/N) took out another set of silver plates and placed the macarons onto them. He knew Laito would burst into the kitchen. He was ready for it, too. He couldn't wait to sink his teeth into the tasty looking pastries and watch Laito get mad, like his brother before. "You're so sweet, (M/N)!" Laito said, while walking into the kitchen, as (M/N) mischievously grinned and bit into one of the macarons. "Let me feed you, sweetheart! We're dating, after all!"

In an instant, (M/N)'s grin morphed and changed into a frown. He thought that Laito would get angry at him. It didn't make sense at all. "Not this again, Laito! We're not dating!" (M/N) cried out, while the auburn haired triplet hugged him from behind, as he shrieked and started squirming around. "Let go of me! I'm not your boyfriend. I already have one."

When Laito finally released him, (M/N) huffed and glared up at the taller boy. He felt extremely embarrassed. He couldn't believe he had done something to make Laito think that they're dating again. "But we are! You keep acting like it, anyway. You even made my favorite snack," Laito said, while (M/N) sighed and took off his apron, as he walked out of the kitchen with an irritated face. "You just love playing hard to get. Don't you, (M/N)?"


After he finished with the batter, (M/N) took out a sundae glass and put the raspberry pudding into it. He knew Kanato was already awake. He had heard the purple haired triplet talking to his bear in the living room. "You made raspberry pudding for me! You're so nice!" Kanato squealed, while sitting down at the island, as (M/N) mischievously grinned and shook his head in disagreement. "You didn't make it for me. Who did you make it for, then?"

When Kanato asked that, (M/N) turned to look at Teddy and pushed the sundae glass in front of the bear. He spun around and started doing the dishes, then. He wanted to appear as nonchalant as possible. He wanted to look like he didn't care at all. It's all part of his plan, too. "It's not fair! Why'd you only make pudding for Teddy? Are you mad at me? Do you not like me anymore?" Kanato screamed, while hugging his leg and shouting at the top of his lungs, as a gasp and thud from the living room resonated into the kitchen. "Please say something, (M/N)! I don't like that you're mad at me!"

In an instant, (M/N) was also surprised with the kitchen doors swinging open. He turned to look at the tall blonde standing in the threshold hugging a pillow to his chest. He bit his lips and stared down at Kanato whose cries seemed to infuriating the blonde young man. "Shut him up! Shut him up now!" Shu demanded, while (M/N) grabbed a spoonful of raspberry pudding and stuck it into Kanato's mouth, as the purple haired triplet instantly stopped screaming. "Thank you."


After a while, (M/N) had cooed Kanato to sleep. He couldn't believe his plan had backfired, though. He had thought he could get back at the triplets. They're just so good at getting what they want, however. "I'm glad to see you with us again. But I didn't receive a notice about you returning so early," Reiji said, while walking into the kitchen, as (M/N) stopped stroking Kanato's hair to glare up at the older boy. "The triplets are a lot less rowdier with you here. So keep up the good work, (M/N)!"

In an instant, (M/N) clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. He hadn't returned by choice. He had been kidnapped by those devilish triplet brothers of his. "You know, I'm going to give you a promotion. You're their babysitter now. You take care of them a lot," Reiji said, while (M/N) tightened his fists, as his employer turned around to walk away. "You should be proud of yourself, (M/N)."

With a groan, (M/N) unclenched his fists and stared down at Kanato. He couldn't get up or move, not with Kanato's head resting in his lap. He never had felt this miserable or mad in his life before. "I hate this place," (M/N) muttered, while glaring down at the purple haired triplet, as he flicked Kanato's cheek in annoyance. "Don't you dare drool on my lap, you brat. I freaking hate this place"

A/N: What will (M/N), you, do? What do you think? Leave me your thoughts

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A/N: What will (M/N), you, do? What do you think? Leave me your thoughts. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2019 ⏰

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