Triple Bloodlust

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Warning: Triplets/Male Reader.

Chapter Two

The warm breeze blew through the open windows and circulated around the kitchen, as you quietly untangled your earphones, while tiredly flipping through your heavy and weighty chemistry textbook, which you were reviewing for the upcoming test tomorrow morning, but you could not read a single paragraph, because your head was literally throbbing and pounding from all the lectures you had to endure from each professor about tardiness and studying habits, so you had decided to take a few aspirins and listen to your favorite songs to soothe you. However, the new job you had attained only made any subtle attempts for relaxing futile, because you were immediately tasked with preparing breakfast for the still sleeping triplets, who all attended night classes, which you found unusual, but you had decided not to question and push those spoiled brats out of your mind. "Kanato likes raspberry pudding. Ayato likes takoyaki. Laito likes macaron," you mumbled, as you released an exhausted sigh and pouted, while laying your head down onto your textbook and turning up your music. "I have to make three separate dishes..."

Despite the headache, you had gotten up from your seat to prepare the raspberry pudding, which you had quickly desired to eat yourself, because the desert appeared so appetizing in the cookbook, but you resisted the urge, as you furiously mixed the mouthwatering and pinkish colored batter, while the kitchen door opened to reveal a nearly frightened and sunshine haired teenage girl with the four eyed violet haired boy behind her. "We do not mean to intrude upon you, but Yui is the other maid here. She will occasionally work alongside you, while accomplishing tasks for Shu, Subaru, and myself. If this somehow bothers you, then please speak up now," Reiji said, as you simply shrugged and continued angrily mixing the pudding batter, while the girl gave you a smile and began preparing breakfast for the brothers that you haven't met yet. "(Y/N), I have received really good reports from the triplets. The three of them really, really like you. Keep it up."


In all honesty, the amethyst haired triplet probably scared you the most, because he appeared nearly mentally unstable, who would also potentially become an emotional and screaming wreak at anyone disrespecting him, but you did not make that delicious raspberry pudding for absolutely no reason, so you decided to conquer your fears and walk through the dreaded threshold into the hysteric's lair, where you saw the childish teenager still asleep in his bed. You sat the silver tray down onto the nightstand, while praying for good luck and gently shaking the adorable bear hugging boy awake, who groaned and sat up a minute later, while hugging Teddy with one hand and rubbing his eyes with the other. "I made you pudding, specifically your favorite type," you whispered, while wide and large lavender colored orbs turned to look at you, as pale pink lips pulled into a crazed grin, which unconsciously made you take a step back, away from the disturbed boy. "I'll go and iron your uniform now."

However, the lilac haired teenager only reached out and grasped your wrist in a frightening death grip, while yanking you down onto his king sized bed, landing softly against your back. On the other hand, the violet haired triplet made his move and sat down upon you, while running his slender and icy fingers through your (H/C) locks, over your (E/C) orbs, and warm neck, as you mentally and physically froze in fear from enraging the adorable psycho, who giggled and undid the ribbon tying your hair back in a loose ponytail, which you were too lazy to get trimmed over summer vacation, because you mostly slept in all day and partied all night with your best friends. "(Y/N), I like your pretty hair down. It makes you appear more doll like," Kanato said, as you simply nodded in agreement, while he smiled and tied the ribbon around your wrist, then released you from his embrace. "Will you please feed Teddy and me? We want to be fed by our cute maid!"

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