Hugs and Kisses

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 Warning: Triplets/Male Reader.  

Chapter Three

The days rolled on with nothing too unusual or strange from the triplets, but you still kept your guard up, because those three spoiled brats had started to gang up and play pranks on you, which were mostly water balloons being thrown at your behind, and cake batter being stolen once you turn away from the table. However, the triplets behavior was not foreign to you anymore, because you had long grown accustomed to their antics, even being shoved inside the iron maiden and undressing the fedora wearing pervert. "Seriously?" you muttered, as you turned around, but only to discover the cake batter stolen once again, while the kitchen door opened to reveal the tall purple haired teenager. "Do you need something?"

The eyeglass wearing lad smiled, as he walked towards you, while placing an envelope in your hands, which you saw were addressed from your parents, so you immediately began reading the letter sent from home, which was an invitation to come back to the family residence for the entirety of Christmas Break. "I have to pack!" you squealed gleefully, as you clutched the paper to your chest, while the crimson eyed teenager wrapped his cold fingers around your shoulders to keep you from darting upstairs, so you began to explain. "My folks are just gathering the family all together only for Christmas, so I'm not going to be gone forever. Besides, I don't think the triplets can possibly create such a big mess in just two weeks, right?"

The teen in front of you simply raised an elegant eyebrow at the statement, but you were only trying to stay optimistic. "I have no problem with you visiting home, as long as you remember to say goodbye to those three, because they will surely miss you, even though you'll be gone for only two weeks. Oh, I will also have our driver escort you to the airport, so do not worry about transportation, or the messes my delightful little brothers will conjure up, because I will have Yui take care of your chores," Reiji said, as he placed his hand upon your back, while guiding you upstairs and towards your bedroom. "Good evening, (Y/N)."


The nervousness and anxiety coursing through you was beyond the normal dosage, but those feelings were expected, as you were once again underneath the violet haired triplet, who was shedding enormous teardrops and keeping you pinned atop his giant sized bed. However, the sobbing triplet soon released his grip upon your wrists, but quickly snuggled into your arms, as you embraced the weeping child, while running slender fingers through his beautiful amethyst colored locks, which you at first thought came from a bottle until observing the lavender roots. "I know I'm being selfish, but I don't want you to leave me alone!" he cried out, as his fingers clutched at your shirt, while his teary plum colored orbs met your (E/C) hues. "You must hate me for being so greedy..."

The violet haired triplet was indeed unearthly eccentric, but you honestly felt like he was no threat to you anymore, because he had not done anything to you that has brought harm, so what was left there to fear about him? However, the pity you held for the boy did not mean you were immediately going to drop your guard around him, because that would have been outright naive, but you were not going to tremble at the very thought of coming into his bedroom any longer, or shaking at the sight of his intensely creepy smiles. "Kanato, I don't hate you. How could I ever possibly hate you?" you said, as he blinked, while peering into your loving eyes once more. "Now, I want you to dry those tears, because I won't be gone forever. In fact, I'll promise you that I'll be back."

His face seemed to brightened at the vow, as you hesitantly reached out to gently wipe away his tears with your fingers, while he released a sigh and closed his eyes upon your touch. "Then, I'll wait for you," he whispered, as he scooted closer to you, while pressing his lips against your cheek. "(Y/N), I'll personally bring you back to the mansion myself, if you do not return to me once those two weeks are over."

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