iii. opinions

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Lunch was over and Alex had to get back into the mindset of being nice to whoever she was sitting next to.

History was her favorite subject so Alex found herself rather eager to get to the room and learn. She was never against learning like a lot of other teenagers, in fact if she enjoyed the subject then school was never a drag.

Alex was around the third person to get into class, which worked well for her. Paul had already directed her in the way of this classroom – after he grabbed Alex's class schedule from her so that he could check to see if they had any classes together, they did both have gym tomorrow – so that saved the brunette time in getting lost.

She sat on the far right in middle row and innocently watched people file in.

Alex looked curiously to her left when someone sat down beside her. The boy had the same skin tone that Jared and Paul did, which was rather common in this town she realized. His full hair came to rest at his shoulders, with some of the chocolate locks pushed behind his ears. He sent her a boyish grin, dimples forming on both his cheeks which Alex found adorable. She smiled back.

"I'm interested to know how a new girl already has Paul Lahote falling at her feet," The boy spoke, it wasn't harsh like the sentence could have sounded but more curious.

Alex was dead confused however. She had already gathered that Paul could have many friends, his demeanor was rather tough and charismatic, and he was also built like an athlete would be. Paul was toned and muscular, Alex wasn't blind to it. "I'm not sure what you mean?"

"I'm Embry Call," The boy introduced himself. "You're Alex Santiago?"

The brunette furrowed her brows at how he already knew this fact. The only people she had introduced herself to was Katie in Chemistry and Paul, Kim and Jared.

Embry got her confused gaze right away. "Everyone saw you with Paul at lunch. It's been a long time since he talked to someone who wasn't Jared or Kim."

Alex tried her hardest not to be too interested in this topic. Her hands flicked through the syllabus her teacher had gifted her upon entering the class. She secretly pleaded that he would start the lesson as soon as possible.

"I'm not trying to sound weird," Embry got the small girl's attention again. "Just curious."

"I barely know him," Alex answered truthfully. She was just as clueless as Embry. "He just started talking to me at lunch. He seems nice."

Embry was the one who looked confused now. "I have known the kid for as long as I can remember and not once has anyone described Paul as nice."

This conversation had too much confusion in it. Alex was beyond lost and the girl simply shook her head. "How would you describe him then?"

"Arrogant, cocky, hotheaded," Embry answered quickly off the tip of his tongue.

Alex hadn't noticed any of those qualities when she talked to Paul. He seemed nice, confident and she was grateful that he started up conversation with her. Alex's stomach bubbled with a feeling she wasn't sure of.

Embry watched the girl as she processed what he was saying. He tugged some of his long hair back from his face. "Just be careful. You seem cool and I would hate for him to play you or something."

The brunette nodded her head, although she didn't think it was advice she needed to take. Alex had no clue how Paul was supposed to play her when they had only talked once. Embry seemed rather serious however, and the honest look on his face showed Alex that he wasn't simply trying to stir anything.

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