xiv. imprint

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"So, why are you actually home?"

Alex asked her brother as soon as they stepped out the door of their home in La Push. Jordan and herself could only just get away from their parents now, they both wouldn't quit talking to Jordan about his Ohio adventures.

That was why it was slightly dark outside, the La Push sun starting to set. Alex had texted the pack to meet at Embry's considering he lived in the same area as Alex. She so desperately wanted them to meet her twin, the other most important person in her life. But it was getting late and Paul had specifically told her to stay inside due to the vampire that hung around their area lately—so going to Embry's seemed like the safest idea.

Alex only asked this question to Jordan because she knew the story he had told her parents wasn't the full one. Simply coming home for a holiday because the team didn't have a game this weekend may have caught on with the Santiago adults, but not with Alex. She could see the subtle change in Jordan's demeanour when he told them.

"Did you not hear what I told the rents?" Jordan looked at Alex now, his head slightly tilted in confusion.

"I heard you," Alex concluded as her feet walked down the porch steps. Jordan followed unknowingly in synch beside her. "Just didn't believe you. What else is going on?"

Alex didn't mention the weird conversations the pair had over the last few weeks or how the brunette could tell they had drifted away from one another slightly. They were implied though, and she knew Jordan had taken it into account.

"Just been feeling pretty homesick—you clearly have an awesome life here now and I love that you do. You deserve it, Lexi, but that doesn't mean it didn't make me slightly jealous. But I'm over it, seriously. I just wanted to come see you guys, I really have missed you. Like a lot."

Alex stopped in her step then and turned to face her brother. He hadn't changed much—his hair was maybe a little bit longer and his arms bulged out more due to his training, but other than that he was still Jordan. He was still her twin brother. He was still the person that had defended her when anyone in their grade would make even a slightly mean comment. He was still the person that held her night after night when Alex cried over her grandfather passing away. He was still the person that took the blame when Alex broke her mother's favorite vase she had inherited from Colombia before she moved here. He was still her other half.

And that would never change.

"You'll never stop being a part of my life, J. Ever. You're my brother and my best friend—I don't think there will ever be a point where I don't need you anymore. I always will, and that's not gonna change." Alex took one of Jordan's hands in her own and squeezed it gently. It wasn't very often that the brunette had to comfort her brother, for a lot of their lives it had always been the other way round. But for all those times Jordan helped her, Alex was more than happy to repay the favor.

Jordan had stopped walking too and pulled Alex into his side, an arm slipped over her head to wrap around her shoulders. Alex let herself be tugged into Jordan's side—a position she had come accustomed to over the years. "Thanks, Lexi. You'll always be a part of my life too, no matter what. We shared a womb, remember? Can't get rid of me that easily."

Alex rolled her eyes dramatically which made Jordan let out a short laugh. Her heart beat rather happily then—at seeing him happy, at seeing him in the flesh.

"Now we are done with the sentimentality for the night," Jordan asked as the twins continued to walk in the direction they were headed. His arm still enclosed Alex next to his side, the girl's arm wound around his back to grip his side. "Who am I going to meet right now?"

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