iv. interrupted movie nights

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     "You still not a big talker?"

     Alex almost jumped at the sudden conversation directed at her. It was lunch time and she had zoned out rather quickly into the break. She meant no offense to Jared, Kim or Paul, but Alex was always a fan of her own imagination. She often went off into her own little world. 

     Paul had leaned slightly closer to the girl, his eyebrow raised as he tried to figure out exactly what Alex was thinking. What he would give to be inside her head. 

     "I'm just thinking," Alex spoke back to the boy whom even sitting was still a damn sight taller than her. Jared and Kim were whispering something to each other, completely zoned out of what Paul and Alex were doing.

     "Penny for your thoughts," Paul asked, a gentle smile on his face. 

     Alex shrugged her shoulders innocently. "I wasn't thinking of anything in particular. About this place in general, really."

     Not once did Paul break eye contact with the smaller girl. People always said that eyes were the window to the soul and he agreed with that statement ever since he first laid eyes on Alex. This was when he felt closest to her – when their similar colored eyes met. "You like it here yet or are you still mourning over the move?"

     "It's not as bad as I thought it would be," Alex answered truthfully. She really did expect it to be a lot worse, especially without Jordan by her side. "I don't like Mr. Peterson though, I would happily take my old gym teacher back."

     Paul let out a short laugh. The sound was almost whimsical to Alex, who enjoyed this side of the boy more than she wanted to admit. "No one likes Mr. Peterson. I was actually impressed with you today in Gym, you took those press ups like a pro."

     At the mention of the last class before lunch, Alex let out a groan. "Don't bring back the bad memories. I want to forget, it was traumatic."

     "It wasn't that bad."

     A scoff came out of Alex's mouth at the taller boy's words. "Easy for you to say, you're built like you work out on the daily. I'm puny, have you not noticed my tiny size?"

     Paul didn't laugh like Alex had expected him to, which didn't bother her so much as his eyes still never left hers. "I like how small you are. It's cute."

     Alex had no clue how she was supposed to respond to that, but her body knew perfectly well what it wanted to do as her cheeks flamed hot at the compliment. Was this flirting? She never had a boyfriend before so she had no clue, Alex wouldn't know someone liked her if they literally came and told her – she would still find an excuse to say they were just being friendly.

     Paul couldn't help the smile that came over his face at the blush he created with a simple compliment. It was the total truth, an easy thing to say and yet it caused such a flush from Alex. He liked that – the affect he had on her. 

     "What are you two doing tonight?" It was Jared that had spoke, a small smile on his face while watching one of his best friends be happier than he had seen him in a long time. 

     "Nothing, what have you got in mind?" Paul answered, while Alex looked at them all curiously. 

     Kim's face elated in joy at the thought of what she wanted to do. "Movie marathon at my house. My parents are away for the weekend and I thought we could make a night of it."

     "I'm in," Paul was quick to respond, it was one of he and Jared's only nights that they didn't have to patrol the woods and he wanted to make the most of it. "Alex?"

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