vi. apologies

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     "You got into a fight?"

     Alex instantly shook her head. "What? No, Jordan. Do you listen at all?"

     Jordan shrugged innocently at his sister over the video chat. "All I heard was the word fight and I immediately zoned out to imagine you smacking someone in the face."

     The brunette narrowed her eyes at Jordan. She had video called him as soon as she got home from school to tell him about the nearly fight that happened between her two friends. Alex thought that her twin may have some knowledge on the topic and could give her some advice, since she ignored Paul, Jared and Kim all day and somehow she didn't think that would be possible to do forever.

     "Don't look at me like that," Jordan defended himself, holding up his hand as if to stop Alex from interrupting him. "My attention span is short. Tell me again."

     "Paul pushed Embry at the school's entrance, for no apparent reason at all. I have never seen Paul like that, he was like shaking in anger. It was so weird."

     Jordan seemed to ponder this for a second and then had a sudden thought pop into his head, since the boy now had a shit-eating grin on his face that Alex instantly wanted to smack off. "I think I know what is going on."

     "Whatever it is I know you are just bullshitting me, you have that annoying smile on your face that always gives your pranks away," Alex stated.

     Jordan's face took on an offensive expression at his sister's words. "First off, I don't have a face and–"

     "You do have a face," Alex interrupted Jordan mid sentence. "Mama and Dad imitate it all the time when they are bitching about you. But please, proceed."

     "Are you dating any of those boys and just not telling me?"

     This conversation had taken a turn that Alex hadn't expected. The brunette had to try stumble out a reply, but her mind was warping at her brother's words. How in the hell had he come to that conclusion? "What–I–No!"

   "Lies!" Jordan was quick to respond to her defiance. "It's either that or one of them likes you, that is all teenage boys fight about. I'm presuming this Paul guy, since he was the one that pushed the other. Clearly jealousy."

   Alex's cheeks unknowingly flushed at even the thought of a boy liking her. That was nearly impossible. "You're a teenage boy, have you ever fought over a girl then?"

   "No," Jordan defended himself quickly. "But then again, I'm not stupid like the majority of teenage boys. Anyway stop deflecting! Do you think one of them likes you?"

   "No way."

   Jordan narrowed his eyes at his sister through the computer screen. "Why not?"

   "I don't know, J," Alex didn't know how to express what she was feeling. The friends she had now were the first she really had in a while, Jordan and her family were all she ever saw the need for. Friends alone was quite a feat, but talking to other boys beside her brother was something that she was totally inexperienced in. "They don't know me that well and besides I just know Paul doesn't. Don't worry."

   Jordan didn't say anything for minute. He seemed to be processing what the girl was saying. "If you don't think that a guy is going to like you, then you need to stop right now. You are the cutest, nicest and most hilarious person I know. Get out of your own head, you're an amazing person, Lexi and someone is going to snap you up one day. Just wait."

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