v. spanish lesson

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     "How was your night, Lexi?"

     Alex looked up from her phone when her father started talking. Her other hand was holding the spoon to her cereal, which she had quickly grabbed in hunger upon returning home this morning. 

     It was only nine when she arrived back at her house. Upon waking up, Alex had said goodbye to Kim before walking the ten minute journey home. Paul and Jared had come back after the two girls fell asleep, and were in their own slumber on Kim's sofa when Alex had left. The brunette was secretly grateful that she had awoken before them. It wasn't that she was trying to ignore anyone, but Alex was still reasonably unsettled with what went on with Paul and Jared leaving so abruptly. She wasn't sure if she really wanted to know what was going on, the prospect of danger scared Alex.

     She got out of there as soon as she could. 

     Alex shrugged her shoulders while swirling the spoon in her cornflakes. "It was alright. Didn't do much, we just watched movies."

     Luke was watching his daughter from over the newspaper. It was a Saturday which was the police man's only day off and he was surprised when he returned home last night to hear from his wife that Alex was staying at a friend's place. He didn't think Alex had been to a sleepover in her entire life, she was much more content with staying at home. "You missed us video chatting with J. He was happy for you, I swear you making friends was all he talked about."

     That sounded entirely like her brother. Alex was confused at that concept though, surely Jordan was going out on a Friday night? He had always told Alex that it was his favorite day, the best parties happened on Fridays according to the slightly older twin. With her postponing their telenovella watching session, she figured he would just hang with friends instead. "That's odd. Since when did Jordan not party on a Friday?"

     "Maybe Ohio has changed him," Luke pondered over the thought for a second before immediately shaking his head. "Forget I said that, we all know the party can't leave that boy. He was telling us that his training regime is killer, perhaps he was just tired."

     Alex hummed in agreement, although she made a mental note to ask her twin brother about the night he spent in. Whereas she barely ever spent a night out, Jordan never spent a night in. "Maybe he ran out of tequila."

     Luke shook his head. "Don't talk about underage drinking around me, short stuff. I'm a police man, remember?"

     "Like you didn't already know," Alex scoffed at her father, he was the one that gave Jordan a bottle of the hard Mexican liquor for their sixteenth birthday. Some cop.

     The older man narrowed his blue eyes at his daughter while smiling. "Touche, Lexi."

     The shrill of the doorbell filled the kitchen all of a sudden and before either Luke or Alex could get out of their seats, Camila Santiago was making her way to the front door. 

     Alex went back to chasing down a few of the cornflakes lazily floating around her milk filled bowl. Her mother came around the kitchen corner with a grin on her face however, her attention directed fully on her daughter. "Alex, someone is at the door for you."

     The brunette's mind drew a blank at who it could be, but with the giddiness present on her mother's face Alex was pretty sure they didn't happen to be the same sex as her. A boy most likely. "Get that grin off your face, Mama."

     Camila was gripping her husband's shoulders in her hands, the grin not ever leaving her face. "What grin?"

     Alex simply stuck her tongue out at her parents, before she made her way to the door. She pushed her glasses so they were secured on her nose and then Alex was standing on her front porch next to a nervous looking Embry Call.

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