xix. epilogue

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   The moments after Jordan's attack were a blur to Alex Santiago.

   She remembered Paul was the one that moved her out from underneath Jordan's head, and Embry had replaced her there. She remembered Paul having to hold the girl so tight as she screamed, as she sobbed, as she panicked.

   The way Victoria's teeth plunged into her brother's neck replayed over and over in Alex's head. The girl couldn't stop repeating the sequence of events, wondering if there was something she could have done differently. She should have let Paul walk them home.

   But then when would the vampire have struck? In their home? Would she have hurt her parents, who had both been working?

   Alex remembered Paul driving her over to the Cullen's, with Embry holding Jordan's large frame in the back seat. She didn't remember her sobs ever coming to a halt.

   Carlisle had been waiting for the arrival of Jordan since Bella had called him. He, along with the rest of his family, had heard the screams of both Alex and Jordan, since then they had been anticipating a call. With Sam telling Bella, she easily called once he asked her too.

   Alex didn't remember how she got inside the Cullen's house. She was simply in there, sitting on the couch. Alice had been there, rubbing gentle circles on her back. Jasper had been aiding the calmness of the brunette, sending calm energy towards her.

   Alex remembered Carlisle saying there was a very weak pulse before he took Jordan into his office. Alice asked Alex if she wanted to go with them, but the brunette couldn't find the energy to move. She couldn't watch him die in there, the bite was already bad enough to witness. He had Embry and Paul in there with him.

   Alex remembered Sam and Jacob arriving, with Jared in tow. They all made sure to stop by Alex, who could barely utter responses to them. They then moved into the room where Alex was sure her brother was dying.

   The next thing that Alex remembered was Paul lowering himself onto the couch next to her. Not even his presence beside the girl could get her to speak, nor did she move. Alex simply sat and stared, tears slowly leaked out of her eyes in much less capacity than before.

   Carlisle had come out of the room not long after. He had knelt in front of Alex on the couch, the old vampire had been the only person thus far that could get Alex to look at him. He sent the teenager a gentle smile, although it didn't reach his eyes.

   "Is he dead?" Alex's voice came out hoarse, after not being used for a while and the sobs that tired out her entire body. Her throat was raw, her skin red, eyes sore.

   Carlisle paused slightly as he watched the girl. Alex didn't move her chocolate eyes from his amber ones—being so close to a vampire was something she had never done, Alex figured she would be a lot more scared than this. But Carlisle was kind, she could tell from his eyes. He looked hesitant to speak though, and that didn't bode well for Jordan. "Somewhat. There was nothing I could do—the only hope you have, if you want that for him, is that he has Victoria's venom in his system. He will turn into a vampire in a couple of days, but if you don't want that for him then that's okay."

   His literal life was in Alex's hands—who else was supposed to chose this? She couldn't ask her parents what they wanted, she couldn't ask Jordan.

   Before her brain started to panic, Embry walked out of Carlisle's office. His cheeks glistened from the light overhanging on the ceiling. Alex slightly calmed at the sight of her best friend—someone that would one day love Jordan, like she did, if not more.

   Embry and Jordan couldn't have a future if he was dead. But would it be a good future if he was a vampire?

   Alex had stood up and moved towards Embry. The pair instantly pulled together in a hug, one that caused the brunette to tear up again. He was the only person that would feel the full extent of this decision like she did. Jordan's future mattered as much to him as it did to Alex.

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