xi. drunk confessions

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"It's a Saturday night, Jordan. What the hell are you doing inside?"

Alex asked her slightly older brother through Skype as she continued to drag the brown colored eye shadow across her eyelid. Kim was just to her right doing much the same thing, the pair were getting ready for the bonfire on the reserve.

Jordan shifted in his seat. His eyes downcast to where he was toying with the woven bracelet on his wrist, a gift that both of the twins had been given on their tenth birthday. Alex had lost her's years ago but Jordan didn't go anywhere without his. "I have football practice tomorrow. We're on strict bed rest."

"Yeah, but when has that stopped you before? Your motto used to be that a party can never be relived. Saturday night has always been your party night."

"People change, Lexi."

Alex put down the brush in her hand to look deeply at the screen now rather than on the mirror. She saw Kim flinch slightly at the hostile tone of her slightly older brother but the brunette stayed with her lips shut. Alex couldn't tell much from the slightly pixelated computer screen but the brunette knew her twin—he was pissed about something. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Jordan answered almost immediately. He didn't look up at the camera, instead concentrated on moving his woven bracelet around his wrist.

Alex sighed at the sight. She wished her twin was here with her so she could pull him into a tight hug. If he was here then Alex would be able to coax out of him what has been wrong for the past few weeks. "Well when you are ready to talk to me I'll be here, J. Always remember that."

Jordan smiled slightly at the camera now. The twins didn't realize how much of an affect they had on one another, they were truly the only people in each other's life that could make such a difference.

Alex had come to know by now that forcing Jordan to talk was like walking into a prison without any security—it wasn't going to go well. So she just let him deal on his own until he was ready to talk.

"Have fun at your bonfire," Jordan said to his sister before the two said their goodbyes.

"Your brother is cute," Kim nonchalantly mentioned as she swiped some lip gloss over her already red painted lips.

Alex groaned at that. It wasn't the first time people had showed an interest in Jordan but that didn't mean it still didn't make Alex's body want to vomit up the dinner she just ate. "Shut up. Go back to thinking about your boyfriend, Kim."

"Hey, we all know that Jared is my number one but just because I'm in a relationship doesn't mean I can't look. Looking isn't a crime."

Alex shook her head as she dismissed her friend's comments. Her mind wasn't really ready to try and understand Kim's thought process with how her brother was acting. It wasn't a one time occurrence, Jordan had been acting weird for the past few weeks and Alex needed to get to the bottom of it.

She tried her best to ignore the worry building up inside her for Jordan as she continued to get ready for the pack bonfire. The only redeeming thing on her mind was that she would see Embry again finally, Paul also being in attendance wasn't a bad thing.

Even thinking about this, Alex was still determined to get information out of her twin.


"Hug me any tighter and I won't be able to breathe, Lexi."

Alex ignored Embry's complaints and proceeded to squeeze his torso tighter. The extra muscle he had put on due to the shift didn't go unnoticed by the girl, she was used to his scrawnier frame. "You're a tough, strong werewolf now, Em. My hugs shouldn't hurt you."

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