Oh yeah I know you

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I was so happy with my outfit but I wasn't to happy about the yelling mum was doing to try and get me downstair quicker. "Im coming mum, you haven't made this easy for me you know" I yelled back. Mum bought me a beautiful dress that just reached the knee with black heels which made it almost impossible for me to get down the stairs without injuring myself. I slowly stepped my way down and walked up our corridor. I could hear people talking and laughing and I heard one particular voice I knew. I slowly ventured into the living room and to my surprise, standing with my mum was NOAH. yeah, the guy in my biology class who called me beautiful.

My face lit up when I saw him. I immediately started to blush and feel butterflies in my stomach. I walked over to them both an gave him a little smile. "This is Noah, he is my bosses son" mum explained with a little grin starting to appear on her face. "Yeah, I know Sophia" Noah chuckled while winking at me. "Yeah mum, Noah is in my biology class, we met today" I exclaimed while awkwardly playing with my hands. I was so nervous that the boy who thinks I'm beautiful is standing in my living room. Not many people acknowledge me at school so his comment really made my day. "Great then darling, you can sit next to him at dinner " Mum whispered to me while giving me a little nudge.

Before dinner i quickly ran upstairs and sprayed myself with perfume, I needed to smell perfect for this boy who will be next to me tonight. Mum called me down stairs again and i had the same problem as before with the stairs+dress+high heels. Yeah, i really didn't think this through did I.

I entered the living room and everyone was sitting down around the table besides Noah who was standing up next to my empty chair. I walked over and he gave me a smile. He pulled the chair out for me and tucked me in when I was seated. He then sat down himself and started dishing up his food. " Sophia, I would just like to tell you how beautiful you look tonight" Noah whispered while patting my thigh. I immediately gained a huge smile which wasn't easy to hide. He knew I was happy so he smiled as well. "Thank you very much Noah, it really means a lot" I smiled back.

Dinner was over and it was time for me to wash up while mum impressed her boss. I gathered all the plates in the sink and started to scrub all the food scraps away. The water which was running ever so loudly blocked my hearing for 2 or so minutes. I felt a tap on my shoulder and to my surprise, It was noah with a huge grin on his face. "Do you need a hand Sophia" He asked while observing the large amount of dirty dishes stacked up beside me. "Im alright thank you, I will be out in a sec" I laughed while thinking to myself that this was going to take me forever. He smiled and nodded. My phone was sitting on the bench behind me. I heard it ring but my hands were wet and soapy so I decided to leave it. Finally, I finished the dishes and walked into the living room. Noah was standing at the front door waiting for his parents to stop talking and take him home. "Thank you for coming tonight" I exclaimed while staring into Noah's perfect blue eyes. "Thank you Sophia. I guess i will see you around" He replied while walking out the front door with his parents following close behind.

I took my heels off and walked upstairs. I was so excited to get out of this dress. As much as i loved it, it wasn't the comfiest thing to wear. I changed into my pyjamas, went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and hopped into bed. Its about this time every night when a feeling of sadness hits me. I sit in my bedroom in the dark letting my mind destroy the happiness left in my system. I burst out crying as I realised how alone I was and nobody truly knows how unhappy I am. Its overthinking that kills me. Its my own thoughts thats keeps me awake.

I laid my head onto the pillow and let the tears stream down my face. I was so alone in the dark quiet room when all of a sudden my phone buzzed and a notification popped onto my screen. I quickly sat up and wiped my tears away so I was able to read the screen. "Hello Sophia,I hope you have a very lovely night and the best sleep, don't question me on how I got your number, I will tell you tomorrow at school. Sweet dreams xxxx

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