Chapter 1

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*buzz buzz*

I woke to the sound of my phone buzzing on my bedside table, it was a text from Danny. He and Merritt had gone out for some breakfast so they wouldn't be back for an hour which was good because it meant I could spend time with Jack. It is 2 months after we kissed on the plane and we had become so close I felt he was the only person I trusted in the world he gave me the feeling that I was safe, which, growing up with parents who fought wasn't a common feeling for me.

I rolled over too see jack still sound asleep with his arm around my waist. I lightly kissed his forehead and quietly slipped out of bed and into the kitchen. We were staying in an amazing apartment just on the outskirts of London (not far from the eye so they could keep an eye on us and we could be there if they needed us). After I had made a pot of coffee I went to the living room, switched on some friends and sat down. A few moments later I heard footsteps and jack came into the room my face instantly lighting up he came and sat next to me, giving a quick kiss on the lips.
"Where's Danny and Merritt?" He asked looking at his phone then back at me
"Oh they've gone for breakfast they said they'd be back in an hour" I answered
He looked at me and moved his face closer to mine and simply whispered
We then went into a passionate kiss for what felt like years until I pulled away and snuggled into his chest as we watched more episodes of friends (our fave show)


Merritt and I had decided to go out to a bagel shop around the corner of the apartment to get some
Breakfast as we hadn't really left the apartment in weeks because the eye had ordered us too stay low and so had Dylan. As we walked down the small street to the bagel bites shop I got a text on my phone from and 'unknown' ID. In case it was a threat I decided to check it, it said:

Meet me at the bench next to the lake in an hour, we need to talk.

I didn't know what to do so I turned to Merritt and said
"Look man I gotta go I think someone is back and I need to talk to them"
And with that, I ran off in the direction of the lake.
I looked behind and saw Merritt staring back at me as I continued to run and he shook his head and muttered
"I always knew he was a dick"

Hey, guys so hope you like this kinda intro chapter please comment any ideas or suggestions of who you'd like Danny to meet at the lake. Please like and comment etc and I hope u like all future posts of this story

P.S sorry this chapter is kinda short they'll be longer in future
-clover xxx

Now you see me 3 - Jack wilderWhere stories live. Discover now