Chapter seven

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I was alone in the apartment as the other horseman had gone grocery shopping, now that we have a mission it's more critical that we stay low key so we are only really aloud to leave the house at night or when we need to do our weeks food shop.
I kept thinking and thinking about Henley, do I really love her? Se left us in the middle of the night without a goodbye and I never fully recovered and then lula came along and I'm hard on her but she's like my sister so far anyone can help me figure it it would be her so I send her a text:

Hey please hurry up with the food I'm starving plus I think I'm going wait a little with Henley I mean she has only just come back and idk if I fully forgive her yet

A minute later she replies saying they are two minutes away and that she think made a good decision, phew I can finally relax.

We are on our way back when we see an un-familiar car just outside the gates to our house there is no one in it but they're not inside "everyone we need to get inside now!" I loudly say to everyone and dash for the doors and lock them tight "Merritt check the doors and lock them,Daniel you go on the Windows and lula+Henley you unpack the food and see how long we can last on it" an I went to the top of the roof and looked out,sure enough a guy got into the car and sat there with a camera and a telescope. He quickly snapped his head towards me and I ducked to the floor I went back down to the first floor to tell the other.

"So we just have to wait here until we need food or fresh air?" I said my fists clenched. I was angry people did this to us we basically had to stay inside all day everyday with each other until they think we aren't here. Because we are in hiding from the fbi we can't risk our pictures being taken. "Look there is no point in getting mad there is nothing we can do" Daniel snapped at me. He was always like this when he was defeat but I was fed up of everyone right so I just had to get out. I stormed in the glass house ( it was the only place I could go that wouldn't be exposed to the man outside) I locked the door and say on the chair, I faced the sky and thought about everything. I heard a little tap on the door and then a not slid under it said:

Hey, I understand your upset and you won't to be alone but it kills me when your like this and I can get to you I'll be sitting right outside if you need me, I feel the same as you do I mean we have been at this 3 years now and running and hiding is GETT really hard. Anyway I love you always and please don't stay away to long we are gonna have a movie marathon/all nighter coz we need to keep an eye on the guy outside to stop him from getting an eye on us.

Love you, jack xx

I read the note as a tear slipped from my eye, I love jack with all my hear  but was this all really worth the struggle.......

Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a while but I've been really busy, I hope you liked this one it wasn't as much jack and lula as if hoped but the next one will, please comment any suggestions you have for the next chapter xx

Now you see me 3 - Jack wilderWhere stories live. Discover now