Chapter six

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Me and jack walked hand in hand Down the street on our way to get pizza.
"Can I ask u something?" I asked him a little nervous.
"Ask away lula" he answered. I dragged him over to a nearby bench and held his hands.
"Well ever since the plane...well I've just wondered... Do u actually like me? I mean I know this sounds silly but I've had troubles in the past and..." He cut me off completely and said " lula I don't like you" my mouth completely dropped to the floor and my eyes filled up I knew it, I always had a feeling it was too good to b true and I mean I don't look like those other girls the gorgeous ones. As My mind wondered He stood on the bench and shouted "LULA MAY I LOVE YOU" tears escaped my eyes as I breathed a sigh of relief and I engulfed him in the biggest hug I've ever given. He wiped my tears with his thumb and said " lula never say that to me again okay? I love u more than life itself and that will never change!"

(Back at the apartment as they were all going to bed)


We were all just chatting when a message popped up on our main work computer. Henley went to check it. "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!WE HAVE A MISSION" Henley shouted as we all stood up in excitement and yelled. "Basically we have to expose this top secret company that sells technology to other companies but it also says that we don't have to do it until 8 months time" she sighed at the last part. We all sat back down our moods kind of deflated. "Well that's just great isn't it" Merritt said
"Sarcasm much" Danny said with a roll to his eyes
"How could you tell" I said as I stood up and stretched my arms. I was kinda tired and I couldn't deal with all this mission crap.
"Look guys we have eight months to wait it's better than nothing, let's just wait to get more orders but for now can we please go to bed I mean I'm tired guys" they all nodded as lula stood to guide me back to bed. I went for a shower but my clothes were gone when I came out they weren't on the floor anymore. I walked out with a towel around my lower half to find lula lying on the bed with a book covering her face. She'd falling asleep half way through reading.

when jack was in the shower I went to Danny's room. I've been helping him figure out what he's gonna do with the whole living Henley thing and I've been teaching him about what Henley likes and loves. I hope it works but my mission now is to find out if Henley feels the same.

Hope you like this chapter it has mor jack and lula moments xxx

Now you see me 3 - Jack wilderWhere stories live. Discover now