Chapter 2

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Lula and I had been on the couch binge-watching Friends for an hour now and as her head rested on my chest, I gazed at her, her mystic eyes I could get lost in so easily and her soft lips. The feelings I had for  her were different from other girls. I think...I think I love her which is something I haven't ever felt for anyone besides family. If this even was love, I can't quite understand it.  All of a sudden the door opened and in sauntered Merritt who looked rather confused. Lula's head rose from my chest.

"You alright mer bear?" she asked him, amused by the look on his face. He just looked at her with a warning, not in the mood for that god awful nickname to resurface as he moved to pour himself a drink.

" I'm fine atlas just got a text and ran off randomly I'm just hoping there is no trouble for us, that's all" he answered.
"Well, we can track his phone while Lula makes some lunch just in case he ends up wandering off," I said looking from Lula to Merritt and then said, "atlas is an ass okay guys I don't know anyone who could stand him for more than hour " I smirked and Lula and Merritt laughed.

Fast forward 4 hours later at 5pm

Merritt and I were pacing the room, Danny's tracked phone hadn't moved from the lake but we  (not admittingly)  were beginning to get concerned. Like I said before, Atlas is a grade-A pain int he ass, but that doesn't mean I want him winding up in trouble.
"He's been there for five hours, I think we should go out to get him I mean it's still light out," Lula said carrying three salad bowls and handing one to each of us.
" don't you make anything other than salad?" Merritt groaned as he picked at his salad with his fork.
"No, how do u think I look so good?" she smirked back in return whilst wiggling her hips. I chuckled quietly and kissed her softly on the back of her head.
"Lula is right, we should go out after our food and see who it is he's been talking to" I stated and both of them nodded as we sat down to eat in the kitchen.
After our food we all got into more formal clothes than sweats and a tee -and then got ready to find Atlas. As I was tying the laces of my black converse a figure stormed through our front door. Danny.

He looking amazed, happy and excited yet extremely confused like whatever he had just witnessed or whatever had just happened  he didn't believe to be true.
"OH, MY GOD DUDE WHERE THE HELL HAVE U BEEN?!" I heard jack shout as I stood up from tying my shoe. Danny walked a few steps towards us and the couch then stuttered a few words
"I...I just talked to...Henley"

Now you see me 3 - Jack wilderWhere stories live. Discover now