Chapter 4

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We all looked at each other eyes staring intently at one another.
"Wh..wha..what?!?" Merritt mumbled in a hushed tone. Danny walked towards the couch and sat down looking up at all of us as he explained about the text and what happened when he got to the lake:
"Well as I had just run for like 30 mins to actually get there I was exhausted and then when I saw a red-headed woman stand up and turn to face me I was sure I  was dreaming. I sat down with her and we chatted, catching up on everything and it turns out the eye has been contacting her since she left... She might re-join"  he stated beaming about the last part. We all sat down hiding smiles as all of us were secretly thrilled but we were just a bit wary towards the situation. I mean she had left us stranded when we just felt like we had become a (highly dysfunctional) family she had gone.
"Wow..... I think the best thing for us to do is to go to sleep and we can talk to the eye in the morning" Lula suggested as we all nodded and headed to bed. 

I awoke in the middle of the night to a door creak I rolled over to find Lula wasn't there, worried I sprung out of bed, for the past two months she'd always been there when I woke up so I had to figure out where she was.  I opened our bedroom door and walked down into the kitchen where I found Lula sitting on the windowsill looking out onto the beautiful skyline of London. I breathed a sigh of relief.
"Hey",  I said walking towards her and sitting opposite her on the windowsill
"I look out there and I see all the houses filled with people and I..I just feel like I want them all to be safe you know! I mean it's silly but..." She said before I cut her off and kissed her. I pulled away as she smirked
"Look Lula I feel something towards you I've never ever felt towards anyone else," I said. Her face smirked but behind her smile, she looked a little scared
"Jack I love you too," she said smiling. I swung myself at her kissing her head her nose her cheeks and lips. "I love you more Lula," I said as I grabbed her hand and we sat on the couch and watched some tv in our room as we snuggled together in bed.


I loved waking up in jacks arms, I shifted to face him. He was already awake and he smiled at me
"Oh no, jack u didn't have to wait for me to wake up!!" I said biting my lip. I always did that when I was nervous it's something my mom used to do whenever my dad got home after being at the bar and he'd been drinking. "It's okay Lu let's go get some breakfast and figure out this Henley thing," he said running his hands through my hair and taking my hand and carrying me out the room bridal style as I giggled like a little girl and blushed.
"Morning lovebirds" Merritt smirked as we entered the kitchen. "There is someone here you might wanna see," he said nodding towards the couch. We both turned and jack literally dropped me from the bridal lift and stared at the figure on the couch with a kind of anger look on his face mixed with happiness. As I got up I realised he'd dropped me and my head had cut on the table corner
"OWWW?!?" I said standing up and looking over at him but then I stopped it was Henley she was right there on the couch with a letter from the eye that simply said 'you're in'.

Now you see me 3 - Jack wilderWhere stories live. Discover now