Kind of dingy

250 13 49

pov= point of view


Gunshots could be heard from all around, and you just knew that the guns making these sounds belonged to humans.

Bad humans.

The human who stood more or less beside you looked rather startled, turning their head every-which way as to find said bad humans. Usually the humans would be killed on sight, but the human who stood beside your floating form was an exception. This human was a good human. You could tell by the way they held themselves, and by the tone of their voice, that they meant no harm. They had such a gentle voice towards you, one that you had come to appreciate in this short time of knowing them.

This wasn't just a good human, this was YOUR human.

Well... At least until your boss got his hands on them.

Noticing the monsters not too far away, sadness filled your skeletal body like water fills a glass. They would soon become dust, and the thought chilled you to the bone (budum tssss). You saw the human quickly turn, ready to get out of this deadly situation.

But unfortunately, that didn't happen.

You heard the gunshots, you saw the bullets,and then you saw the human fall. A large puddle of blood was steadily forming from their wounds, too fast for your liking. The colour of the bright red puddle, in your opinion, was kind of pretty. It would have been prettier if it hadn't belonged to your new human friend, and hadn't reeked of that horrid metal smell. You had to get your human out of this situation, fast.

Quickly, you hovered over them, in a protective stance- or... At least as protective as a giant skull could look. Using your magic, you teleport, making sure the human came with. You were glad the human had fallen unconscious previous to you doing this, for they would have been confused... Maybe even scared. After all, voids weren't something a human would have ever seen before, why would they?

You landed safely, in your masters 'fort', with the human. In reality what he called his 'fort' was actually just an old house. This house had two floors, not counting the attic. The bottom floor, being the basement, had been altered to be a kind of jail to house humans for a short period of time.

 The house's appearance was really good in your dragonesc skull opinion. Especially if one took into account that this place stood on land plagued by war(s). In fact, the building looked more abandoned then 'rekt', as one might put it.

You were currently just inside the front door, human still underneath you. You float there with your human, waiting.

 Knowing that the boss heard your early arrival back, you stayed where you were. Sure enough, you heard the tapping of shoes against wooden floor heading in your direction. You were currently looking down at the human, who continued to bleed out on the floor, your concern growing like the puddle beneath them. 

The tapping of shoes slowed, then stopped maybe four metres in front of you and your human.


"Well well well, what have you got there buddy?"


Ughhghghg... Where... Where am I? Why is everything b-black? W-where is the world?

Oh wait

My eyes are closed.

But how do I open them? I cant feel my arms or my legs. I can only feel numbness.

As your mind continues to race, all you can hear is static and a high pitch hum in your ears. You're confused, obvs, and perhaps a bit frightened as well. Slowly, you start trying to move your appendages. 

An Unwanted War (Gaster!Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now