Seeing more

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You successfully made it up the stairs, and away from the human. 

The last time you had come up from the basement, you shut the door with a fair bit of force, but not this time. This time you were gentle, or perhaps just lazy. Whatever the case was, you made sure to keep the thin wooden door open a bit, for easier access... And maybe to have an easier time eavesdropping *cough cough*

Anywho, you decided to head back to your favourite place: the couch. After that chat with the human, you feel like you need some time to just sit, and think. Even though you've already done a bunch of that today. Your mind just seems overloaded all the time recently.

You make it to the sofa, and extend a hand out towards its cushions. Your arm helps lower yourself onto it more gently, opposed to if you had just flopped on to it.

You make yourself comfortable, lying on your back. Your arms extended over your head, bone hands resting behind your neck. You gazed up at the ceiling, evening light coming in from the window. You could tell it was nearly sunset, even though it was probably barely past 5. It was always odd getting use to fall.

You continued to stare up at the ceiling, eventually easing yourself into the thoughts you had been meaning to think about.

But what exactly did you want to contemplate now? Your existence?


It was the human. 

You were so sure that they had hurt monsters, like the many other humans before them. This morning you were positive that you would have killed them today, you thought they would be gone today. When you woke up you were sure that they were conniving, evil in fact, like all the others. But no. Non of this seemed to be the case. Everything pointed towards you being wrong, and them being innocent of any, and all crimes.

You were now left trying to come up with reasons, reasons to continue blindly hating the human. But you were unsuccessful. 

The way that they went about naming your Gaster Blaster 'ButterTart' in itself was adorable, and the way they tried to convince you it wasn't 'that dumb' was just too precious. In fact, the name was kinda growing on ya.

Not only that but, whenever you had called any other human one of your little nicknames, they'd physically cringe. They'd look at you with disgusted eyes, and treat you like you were Satan himself. They would then tell you their name, and command you to use it. You wouldn't use it, of course. 

Although, you could never seem to forget their names. In the end you would remember every name that a human had claimed belonged to them, and you wrote them down in a book.

Why'd you do this? 

You think a part of you wanted to get it out of you mind and be done with it, while another part wanted to be absolutely sure you wouldn't forget the names, or the people they belonged to. It's sad to think the world will just forget your existence entirely.

But this human, the one that you currently harboured? They just didn't seem to care. It doesn't seem like they want to give you their name, even though they wish to know your own. 

How peculiar.

You were really hoping to stay as distant from this human as possible, but it seemed as though fate had other plans.

Heh, fuck fate with a giant thorny cactus.

But besides all that, you really didn't seem to dislike the human all that much. You still didn't exactly trust them, but that's another topic.

An Unwanted War (Gaster!Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now