I've got some questions

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You had just woken up from a long snooze, feeling refreshed.


As refreshed as a stressed out, human loathing, mass of irritated can feel.

You push yourself up with your arms, until you're sat up in a comfortable sitting position on the couch. You couldn't guess the age of sofa that you tended snooze on, but in your skeletal opinion it was, how you say, 'comfy as fuck'.

Almost immediately after sitting up, with great posture might I add, you slump over. Your shoulders were practically, if not actually, up against your knees. With your now horrid posture, you sat, and stared. You were just spacing out, trying to collect your thoughts.

 It took you a good five minutes to regain your composure before you erected your spine once more, and leaned your back into the sofa's squishy cushions.

Resting the back of your skull against the plush material, and staring up at the ceiling, you sighed.

with a hushed tone, not speaking to anyone but yourself, you began to ramble.

You rambled, and you rambled, and you rambled.

Did I mention that you rambled?

You rambled about various topics, all being the sources of your life's annoyances. 

You were going to continue your little chitchat with yourself- but then you heard something... It sounded like... Like...

The human?

Yes, the sounds indeed sounded like human noises... Such as... Laughter? Maybe not sincere laughter, but laughter non the less. It sounded as though the human was talking to someone, or perhaps something.

You were guessing that 'something' was your free range Gaster Blaster. After all, he had obviously taken a liking to them.

In all honesty, you had no clue why he enjoyed the human's presence so much... He seemed to hangout with them more often than you nowadays. And although you would never, EVER, admit it... That simple fact... Made you kinda sad.

Everyone loves having alone time every once and a while, sure, but when that 'once and a while' becomes 'all the god damn time'? Well, lets just say you didn't enjoy being alone as much anymore.

But, you had a mission. 


That mission was to destroy all human scum. 

Now the thing with you was, all humans aside from one that you had previously met, in your opinion, were awful. All humans were the scum of the earth. All they did was manipulate, and hurt others. And they called you  and your friends monsters. Hah.

But alas, you had made a promise. A promise that you intend to keep. Even if that means... Being creative about it.

You decided to listen in on the conversation going on down in the basement, which was unsurprisingly difficult to do. You couldn't make out a single damn word that was said, all you could hear was the vibrations of the human's voice carried throughout the floorboards.

You decided to play it stealthy, and slink your way to the door that led to the stairs, that in turn lead to the basement.

You could hear more clearly now, but had absolutely no fucking clue what this conversation was about.

An Unwanted War (Gaster!Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now