A sorrow filled waltz

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Note: if you look up "sad waltz music" on youtube, you find many beautiful pieces. I'd recommend finding one you like, and perhaps play it later in this chapter whilst you read :>


A bit of time has passed, and you have now finished wolfing back the food brought to you by your monster captor. You're fully regretting ever eating so fast, and now hate your life. You feel kinda like you're gonna throw up, but at the same time you know that you wont. 

You let a fairly loud anguished moan leave your lips, fully unimpressed by yourself. You also let out a burp, realising that some of your discomfort is probably gas. Yum.

Now, a smart person would have eaten the food slowly, savouring every bite... But you... You were just too god damn excited, you practically inhaled it!

You silly. You dumb.

You are currently curled up on your side, regretting your poor life decisions. 

You are beside your 'matres', yourself facing to look outside of the bars. You may have been quite cold, partial thanks to the water you spilled on yourself, but no way in hell did you feel like touching the blanket that now lay a couple inches behind you. The concrete floor itself was freezing, and if you were a little less lazy/ not feeling icky, you would have moved yourself on to the lumpy bed.

At the moment you kinda want to nap off the icky feeling you have in both your chest and stomach, but at the same time... You kinda really don't.

You notice that the loud footsteps coming from upstairs have ceased, making you guess that Mr grumpy mc human catcher is either out of the house, or is lying down.

Why specifically lying down? Well, he did seem grumpy, as mentioned a couple times, and when a baby or an old person is grumpy they like to nap.

What? Just because he's a monster, and neither a baby nor grampa, means these rules don't apply to him? You find that idea silly, and are now fully confident that he is peacefully sleeping.

You spend the next hour or so spacing out, thinking about both everything, and nothing. After all, you really had nothing else to do. There was nothing interesting to look at down here, and even if you did focus on the shadows or something... 


You didn't like doing that... You tried to avoid that as much as possible, actually.

If you stared for too long at the shadows here, you swear you could see figures... You couldn't quite tell how many there were at times, but they all resembled silhouettes of monsters... Or at least, that's what you interpreted from it.

You really didn't want to think about it right now, it always seemed to send shivers throughout your body...


Well, speaking of monsters, you did have some questions for the supposed sleeping one upstairs... Questions like; 'how long have I been here?', 'were you the one who healed me?', and 'for goodness sake, could I please have some new clothes?'.

You remember that you already asked him one of your questions, that being 'what's your name?', but he was an ass in response to that.

Is he always an ass? You're guessing not... Well, maybe towards humans... After all, the human race has screwed them over quite a few times now...


Is it reasonable to hate every single human? 

You could easily understand if monsters just acted more weary around you, but... Is it truly justified to hate every single human being? You, yourself, haven't done a single bad thing to a monster, you're sure of it!... Though, you suppose their actions are justified in a way; for, how are they to know which humans to trust? Not even yourself knows who to trust anymore...

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