What's taking you so long?

190 7 8

(ima start making the 'pov' thing more defined, to make it more noticeable)


You could feel your senses unravelling from the ties of unconsciousness, and into reality. 

Although your body was waking up, you weren't about to open your eyes, you were still too tired to even dream of it (budm tsss). You decide to acknowledge your hearing, to give you an indicator of what is going on around you. 

Your mind is still fuzzy, foggy almost, like when you breath onto a cold window after it snows. You weren't quite sure where you were, but that didn't bother you at all right now. 

You are calm.

You listen, only to hear silence coming from withing the house. 

You could tell it was early morning without even opening your eyes. A few sun rays shined through your eyelids, causing you to see red, and veins. You decide to cover your face with the heavy quilt. This turned out to be rather difficult, seeing as how your body still felt numb from your sleep.

After a great deal of effort, and motivation from your sun scarred eyes, you were able to cover your face with the blanket.

Everything was still again, and quite. Well, mostly quiet.

You could hear a wind whipping through the trees, probably creating a frenzy of leaves scattering every which way. Autumn is such a beautiful time. 

Too bad it's so cold.

Though, in all honesty... You didn't mind the cold too much, especially when you were wrapped up in warmth, in a safe house. It was just so comfortable.

You lay there, in front of the window, for maybe an hour. You only decide to get up because your tummy rumbles. You had almost forgotten about your hunger.

You slowly roll onto your back, and let out a small yawn. You rub your eyes, and keep your hands on your face for a couple moments, taking in the silence. Your movements made a bit of noise, but that's expected. 

You drop your arms, them landing on the quilt that surrounded you. You let out a long breath, preparing yourself for the cold that would hit you when you finally get up. After a few minutes, you slowly sit yourself up using your arms. You prop yourself up, noticing a wave of static hit your vision. You sit there for maybe five seconds, or at least until the static fully dissipates.

After the light headedness ceases, you decide to look around. 

You remember that you are in the living room, by this point, and now want to get a proper look of the setup. After all, you did see it without the best lighting last night.

You turn your head, and let your eyes wander throughout the room. You see the back of the couch, and wonder how comfortable the old thing is. You notice the skeleton's coat slung over it. Continuing to let your eyes roam, you spot a fireplace. You can tell that a lot of the draft is coming from there, and that it has been unused for a long while now. It is made of large grey rocks, and looks durable. The top of the fireplace that connects to the wall looks like it would make a great surface to put picture frames on, but it lays vacant. 

Your eyes have now made a couple sweeps of the room, but there is nothing very interesting. You can see the top of an old TV in front of the couch, but it probably doesn't work. The walls are old, and have cracks strewn throughout them. But, besides the emptiness, and it's age, the room actually looks pretty nice. It's comforting, maybe even homely, in a way.

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