Another Secret Mission?

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Adrien's point of view:

"Marinette's ankle looked pretty bad today didn't it?" I asked Plagg, my Kwami.

"Eh, I didn't really pay any attention." Plagg was too focused on his cheese snack to even comprehend what I was talking about.

"Plagg you pig!" I glared at him but it didn't bother him in the slightest. Nothing I ever said bothered him.

"Anyways why do you even care about Marinette? I thought Ladybug was your one and only." He scarfed down some more Camembert while pretending to swoon. Plagg would never understand my feelings for Ladybug.

"Marinette's still my friend. I can worry about my friends can't I?"

"Only if they're made of wonderfully delicious cheese!"

"It's pointless talking to you!" I groaned. I wondered if Ladybug's Kwami was near as irritating as mine.

I decided that I'd spend the rest of my evening doing night patrol.

"Plagg, claws out!" I held out my ring as Plagg got sucked inside it. I transformed into Cat Noir. Covered head to toe in black with matching cat ears and a mask, I was ready to go. It wasn't long before I got a call from My Lady.

"Awh making a cat call are we Ladybug." I joked.

"Very funny Cat Noir. I'm calling because I have another secret mission to go on. I'm checking to make sure you got everything covered until I come back." Her voice sounded different than usual like she was hiding something.

I'd have to fight villains alone?

"Where are you going and why can't I come?" I questioned. She used this excuse once before when Marinette was forced to go on a date with an Akumatized Nathaniel. I, of course, being the amazing superhero I was, rescued Marinette all on my own with no help what-so-ever.

"It's a secret! Please can I count on you?" She pleaded.

"You know you always can My Lady." I answered her still a little confused.

She hung up and I sat on a roof contemplating everything. What was so important that she had to leave the city in my hands? What didn't she want me to know? Who better to ask than her friend Marinette?


"I don't know where she's at Cat. We don't talk that often." Marinette sighed. It seemed like she was stressed about something so I decided to ask her.

"What's bugging you?" I had to keep myself from laughing. I had to use that one on Ladybug soon. I'm a riot!

"Can I ask you something?" She sighed again. Whatever her problem was it was eating at her.

"Sure Princess, ask away." I replied in a serious tone.

"Have you ever been put in a situation where you have to lie constantly. I mean, lying to that person is for their own good but it still makes you feel bad." She stared at her fidgeting hands.

"What did you do?" I grinned. Marinette wasn't one for breaking the rules but seeing her like this was new for me. Whenever we talked she would always freeze up but with Cat Noir she was fine. I wonder why?

"Nothing!" She winced regretting​ her words. "Another lie." She ran her fingers through her dark bangs. "It's not necessarily something I've done it's more like I'm hiding a part of myself from people because they can't handle it." She closed her eyes probably asking herself if she blurted too much.

"I understand where you're coming from. Take Ladybug and I for example, we hide a part of ourselves from the world! I guess lying in that kind of situation is better for everyone." I sat down in one of her desk chairs.

She looked up at me with her blubell eyes searching my face for something. The way she looked at me made me wish that I had whatever it was she was looking for. A stare like that really makes a guy feel....intimidated and curious. I wanted to know more about Marinette the more I got close to her. For some reason, I just wanted to be near her. What am I saying?

"I guess." She rubbed her ankle defeated. "It still doesn't make it right though." She stared at me long and hard like she was debating telling me something. "I have another question for you." She smiled this time.

"Yes?" My heart started pounding furiously against my chest wondering what she would ask.

"What would you do if you found out Ladybug's secret identity?" She grinned but behind her smile I could see she wanted an honest answer.

"I'd absolutely freak out." I melted at the idea. "I've been wanting to know who she is for so long that I'd probably attack her right there." Marinette's smile was wiped clean and shock replaced it.

"Attack her?" She stiffened and her voice wasn't friendly anymore.

"Yep pretty much." I nodded.

"Like you could attack her!" Marinette scoffed. "She's so much tougher than you are!" Why was she getting so offended?

"She is not! I could push her down if I really wanted to." I retaliated.

"Well I guess it's a shame that she'll never reveal herself then." Marinette wrapped her arms around herself. What changed her attitude all of a sudden? Why was she so upset? Wait a minute...does she like Cat Noir!?!? That would explain everything! Why she insisted on talking about Ladybug and I. Marinette has a crush on me. Well not really me, but Cat Noir.

Oh no.

I don't know how I feel about this. I love Ladybug but what about Marinette?

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