Effiel Tower

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"Why does every villain we fight end up at the Eiffel Tower? When they transform do they think 'oh the first thing I want to do is climb the Eiffel Tower and cause mischief'? It's ridiculous." I muttered​. Don't get me wrong it makes it a lot easier to find them but it just seems a little repetitive to me.

"It does seem a little over used." Cat Noir agreed with me. Now that we're both masked it makes it a lot easier to be angry with him. I still don't understand why he lied about our relationship. Plus having a mask shoved over Adrian's gorgeous face helps me not to get so nervous around him. Having a mask on myself doesn't do any harm either.

We reached​ the Tower in seconds and already PrinceKing had captured more people in his own personal detention cage.

"Are you done throwing a tantrum your royal evilness?" Cat piped and I rolled​ my eyes in annoyance. That's just going to make him more upset.

"Ladybug?" PrinceKing ignored Cat Noir completely. "Late to the show are we? You should be at the school cleaning up the girl I broke." Cat tensed up remembering what almost happened to me.

"You missed it PrinceKing." I spouted​ touching Noir on the shoulder in an attempt to calm him down. "Marinette walked away without a scratch on her."

"Though I'd prefer her to put a few on me." Cat murmured under his breath as I elbowed​ him in the side. This is not the time to be flirting...oh wait...he's always flirting.

"Really? Because I thought that you and her were nothing but friends." I glared his way and dashed towards PrinceKing without seeing Cat's reaction.

Suddenly Cat Noir was right beside me charging towards the villain as well.

"Do you really want to have this conversation now?" He pulled out his staff and blocked a huge wave of PrinceKing's detention slips from hitting him. I, on the other hand, jumped upwards planning to take him from the top. It seems like I'm the one who's always doing the hard work. When was the last time Cat caught an Akuma?

"Now is as good a time as any." I replied​. PrinceKing was far too slow and couldn't move away fast enough. I latched onto his back struggling for his note pad.

"Just a little more...." I struggled​ to reach the Akuma considering how much longer PrinceKing's arms were than mine, it proved to be difficult.

"I was just trying to keep everything on the down low. I know how much of a pain certain people can be and I didn't want you to have to deal with the vocal abuse!" Cat launched himself in the air trying to serve as a distraction. His outburst caught me off guard and I lost my grip on PrinceKing. He flung me off of him and I slammed​ into his "detention cage" where everyone was being held.

There was a collective gasp as the group saw Cat Noir's facial expression. He was furious! He was losing his easy going composure. A part of me wanted to run over to him and assure him that I was all right but the other part of me wanted to see how he reacted. Does that makes me a little cunning? Maybe I'm more like Cat Noir like I'd like to admit.

Cat's face twisted in fury as he ran towards PrinceKing in full stride. He was not slowing down and it didn't​ look like he planned to. He obviously couldn't remember that I still had Lucky Charm up my sleeve.

"Adrien?" I whispered under my breath. What in the world was he planning to do? And why did I find this extremely attractive? Was it because now Cat Noir wasn't just a mask but in fact someone I'm was in love with? He's more than my partner in crime but he's my partner in life? Not that he wants anybody to know that we're in a relationship but he did have his reasons. It was very thoughtful of him to try his best to "protect" me from Chloe.

Cat Noir was so fast PrinceKing didn't have time to react and was knocked to the ground as Cat shoved him down. Dazed, PrinceKing couldn't focus and lost his notepad to Cat Noir.

It was in this moment that I knew. I knew that as long as I had Cat Noir/ Adrien Agreste with me I could survive through anything. He wasn't just the boy I loved but in fact he was my Lucky Charm. And how could I be mad about that?

"Are you alright Ladybug!?!" He ran to my side checking me head to toe for injuries.

"I'm purr-fect." I joked. This time I was the one making pathetic puns. "As long as I have you."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2017 ⏰

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