Chapter 1: Introduction

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S H E ' L L B R I N G H O N O R
•R E T E L L I N G•

Commander's POV
"Good morning." I nodded, as my feet reached the bottom step of the communications room.

"Morning Commander." A guard nodded, as he passed by me on his way out. The sound of the steel gates grinding against each other as they closed, caused my jaw to clench. I approached a large table in the middle of the room and it instantly lit up with different files that pixelated into a hologram mode. This thing still fascinated the shit out of me.

"This was the most recent attack." Director Campbell nodded as he pulled a file up with his index finger before enlarging and opening it. A video instantly played of an Art Musem that I recognized as the Walten Art Institute in New York. Only moments later, every last person walking through the halls of the West Wing, began to suffocate on the air before falling lifelessly to the floor. Men with masks quickly swept the place, as a few paintings were ripped off the walls.

"I-I don't understand." I stated, watching the men carefully roll up the paintings before confirming the deaths and leaving the scene. "How is this a terrorist attack?" I asked the Director.

"The paintings these men stole, We believe they were random. Every last person in that museum was poisoned by Phosgene Chlorine, a lethal form of mustard gas. If they were to just take the paintings, they would have the means to do it at night, or use something much less lethal. These men looked like they chose random paintings at whim to rip off the wall.

"We could pull almost nothing off these men, except for a tattoo that was partially visible here." Director Campbell spoke. One of the men in the surveillance video lifted up the heavy frame work, and it pushed his sleeve back a bit to reveal a freshly tatted black lotus flower on his forearm.

"The Black Lotus." I whispered, yet it sounded like I had said a secret too loud. Most of the comrades in this division believed the Black Lotus to be a myth. An organized team of highly trained assassins that operated at night for whoever paid the highest? It sounded too outrageous, something like a story you could tell the younglings during their basic training. But here I was, staring at the infamous tattoo.

"T-They're real? Why the hell are they here?" I asked Director Campbell. The group moved swiftly on surveillance as they made their escape before security detail could arrive at the scene.

"We don't know, but we need to find out. And quickly." Director replied. We both nodded silently to each other. "Total number of deaths were 34. We know who these people are, but we barely know what they're capable of. Hell, we aren't even sure how they pulled this off. I've been issued the location of someone who may be able to help."

"Who is it?" I asked, as I leaned my arms further onto the table. This whole incident was going to be a mess to control over the media.

"An agent of ours has remained dormant for sometime at an undisclosed location. We believe this agent may have insight into The Black Lotus Organization."

"What's my mission?" I asked, pulling my self up and straightening my back.

"Extract Agent 27... otherwise known as The Dagger." He replied. My eyes grew wide at that name.

Rein's POV
A slight breeze blew in from the south side of the main temple. The trees from this secluded location were forced into the dance as the surging winds picked up.

Montana's weather had always been unpredictable, but the beauty of the spring never failed to amaze me. I moved quickly and silently down the path towards her home, hoping to escape the cold rain that had started to drizzle. I reached the front gates of the entrance just in time before it began to pour down again.

Instantly, the smell of mango passionfruit tea intoxicated my senses. She always had a kettle on the stove, but this time, she was up-keeping with her ancient ceramic cups. Though her back was turned to me, there was no denying she knew I had entered. She was the only one I had ever known, who could sense my presence regardless of how quiet I was.

"How is the garden?" She asked me, as she turned to set a cup of ready made tea onto the low table. I knelt onto the ground pillow and nodded a slight thank you her way.

"Coming along quite well. Everything has started to bloom. The early rain will do well for the herbs and plants. I just set up the bamboo bongs across the entrance for pure water.

"Thank you, Rein." Chiyo smiled. The wrinkles around her eyes and smile deepened, showing a glimpse of her actual age. It always amazed me by how beautiful she was. When I had first been relocated to this location, I was surprised by how gorgeous it was. It felt like I was back home in Kyoto, Japan.

"No worries, Chi." I smiled back. "We usually meet for tea a bit later in the day... was there something you were hoping to talk with me about?" I asked. I could see a knowing smile on her face as she sat down across from me with her own cup of tea.

There were no clocks around this temple grounds, but that was because much like me, Chico was miraculous with telling time. She had only requested I come no more than 5 minutes earlier than usual, but changes in our routine was very rare.

"Very good." She nodded to me. "I was contacted by your old handler this morning, Mr. Campbell. There's been an attack." Her eyes glanced down to my jaw as I began to unhinge it.

"How many people?" I asked quietly.

"34." She replied. I could do nothing as my eyelids unconsciously grew heavy.

"When was this?" I asked her, as I did everything I could not to completely shatter the cup in my hand.

"A few days ago." She nodded. I could already tell what was coming next, but I hadn't prepared an answer for her yet. "You must help them, Rein."

"You know I can't. If I leave this place, I will be killed. What good will I be then to them if I'm dead?" I replied.

"I know you do not fear death, my friend. What you do fear is facing the things you've put behind you. You cannot run from your past any longer child. They need you. They need The Dagger."

Alright let me explain.

So basically, I started "Not A Glass Slipper" because you guys really wanted this one, but as time grew on, I seemed to care less and less about the updates. I couldn't find the action and adventure and humor I craved in my books, and I really sort of let it go. So here is this book, a book that might not have won the popularity vote, but it's a book that I think you all will fall in love with, because it's a book that's lit a flame underneath me. It's a book I cannot wait to share with you.

My best work is work I've written with passion and excitement. I couldn't bring myself to let you all read a book that wasn't the best part of me.

Your guys's feedback will always mean the world to me, but this is a form of not only art but therapy for me. I must write something that makes me happy, so I can in return, make you happy.

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