Chapter 5: Flight 452 For New York

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Commander's POV
We arrived at the private airport in Helena Montana around 9:30 pm. Our flight was scheduled to depart at 10:30 but since it was through a government plane, we were the only ones boarding.

Rein had been quiet through the drive back, as Director Campbell practically talked to himself. He asked her about the few years he had missed out on while she stayed here in Montana, but he never brought up anything about her past. Her replies had been short and choppy.

All she carried was her black case and bag as we walked through the doors of the considerably vacant airport. Campbell and I, on the other hand, were carrying bags of weapons and ammunition that were mandatory on every mission.

We were welcomed by a few guards who led us through to the check in. "We're going to need to issue every weapon." The man instructed as Campbell and I were already starting to remove our handhelds. We were both used to protocol but Rein looked confused.

"I don't like the sound of that." She spoke in a quiet voice to Campbell.

"It's okay, they will be given back to us once we land." He replied. His own voice had oddly gone softer as she bit her lip in contemplation.

"You know the full cost of my weapons." She spoke quietly, but she bent down and slid her dagger out of her boot before gently setting the blade and holster in the plastic container. She was instructed to walk through the detector but the second she passed the metal detecting bars, it lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Rein." Director sighed as he directed her back through. "You have to remove all of your weapons."

"All of them?" She asked as her face sank.

"All of them." He confirmed.

I heard her faintly sigh as she slid the front of her shirt up a few inches to remove a dagger that was holstered in. Along with a few blades that were holstered at her sides. She then rolled up her sleeves just enough to pull two more incredibly thin knifes there. I could see a tattoo of something that sort of wrapped around her arm but she pulled the sleeve back down before I could make it out.

Next was her left boot as she pulled out yet another knife. The security detail looked on with concerned faces as at last, a gun was pulled out from her back.

"Holy shit." I whispered at the bucket full of weapons.

"I see we've started packing less." Director commented. I glanced back and forth between the two like the had lost their marbles. Less?!

She was packing enough to arm a small army.

"It was weighing me down." She replied, before walking through the detectors again. This time, they didn't go off.

"We're going to need to check the case that you're also carrying, ma'am." The guard instructed as he reached for it, but Campbell quickly intercepted.

"It's a diplomatic case protected by a diplomatic seal. Unless you have reason to believe there is a bomb in this case, you don't have the means to search it." Director Campbell replied. Rein stood beside him, not saying a word, but I noticed just how tight her hands were gripping the case.

The security man nodded hesitantly while he slowly backed his hand away. "You're all clear to board." He instructed.

All three of us picked up our carry on and made our way through to the gates before approaching another airport worker. "Boarding flight 452 for New York?" The lady asked. Campbell nodded as he handed her our boarding passes.

"Perfect thank you, please go in and make yourselves comfortable. We will be departing in 15 minutes." She nodded to both of us while she watched us make our way through the boarding tunnel and onto the plane.

Campbell lead the way towards the front compartment of the plane.

Rein looked out of her element. Her body was more rigid than usual while we looked for our boarding seats. Campbell took his seat directly beside us across the isle of the plane as Rein and I sat in the two seats to the right. She slid into the seat by the window while I took the one by the isle.

The announcement lady came on as she prepared us for our flight.


I recline the seat a bit once the plane began to take off. My hand accidentally graced Rein's when I tried to set it on the arm rest and I heard her inhale sharply. "Sorry." I whispered, but when I looked over, her eyes were shut tightly as she held a death grip on the arm rest. "Rein?" I whispered quietly. I didn't get a reply. "Rein breathe." I instructed as I noticed her breathes becoming labored. "Breathe in and out."

Her mouth opened slightly as she released a slow and shaky breath. I reached into my carry on and pulled out a pair of headphones. "Here." I nodded, slowly moving closer to her as I slid the headphones onto her ears. Her long eyelashes fanned against her face from how tightly she was squeezing her eyes shut.

I unlocked my phone and shuffled through my playlist until I found my instrumentals. As soon as the music began to play, I handed her the technology. Her grip had started to ease up considerably.

I couldn't pull my eyes away from her while she began to relax. Her body slumped slightly against the window as she kept her eyes closed. She looked like she was sleeping but something told me she wasn't. Something told me she hadn't slept well in quite some time.


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