Chapter 12: Genji

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Rein's POV
"Holy shit." McGary whispered. I just nodded at him. It looked like a slaughtering had taken place in this room with blood splatter all over the walls and paintings.

"Watch where you step." I reminded him as we slowly made our way to the body. She was a pretty blonde. Her hair was now tinted with blood. The pooling focused mainly around her head and back. There was a long black dagger that was sticking out of her back as she lay on her stomach with her head facing towards the message. It looked like it was staged from the way she was faced, but it couldn't have been because the blood wasn't smeared across the floor as if someone had tried to drag her body and oosition it.

"Do you recognize her?" I asked McGary, although I already had some growing suspicions. Judging by her build and height, I had reason to believe she was the one woman I had seen on the security tape footage from the night of the killing. McGary shook his head at me. I reached over and grabbed the bag he had gently set down beside the body.

I pulled out a few gloves and evidence bags before handing half of each to McGary. Once we slipped our gloves on, we immediately got to work.

"You think this is the woman you saw on the tapes." McGary more of less stated than asked. I nodded silently back to him as I examined the body. There was a slice wound of one of the major arteries, which was most likely why there was so much blood everywhere. Before walking in, I could already tell who had cultivated this crime scene, and my blood boiled at it.

The dead woman didn't have a shred of I.D. On her, or any phone, or keys. She was dressed in simple leggings and a sweater, which I could see was plain and now completely covered in blood when I turned her over onto her side.

"Hand me your phone." I directed McGary, outstretching my hand. His pulled it out from his pocket, but when he saw my bloody gloves, he hesitated.

"I am not handing you my phone when your hands look like that."

I glanced down to see what he was talking about, before I nodded in understanding. "Slip it into an evidence bag then you can give it to me. I should be able to still work it through the plastic slip."

He nodded back and did it, before handing the bag with the phone in it, to me. I pressed the lock button and slid sideways to open up the camera. I needed a good shot of her face to send in for facial recognition. Finding out her identity could almost definitely lead us to the other men she had operated with.

I could have been wrong though. This could have just been a random person off the street. But something told me it was more than that. This was meant to be personal for both Genji and me. He wouldn't have done something this extreme if it hadn't... or at least I would have liked to think he wouldn't have... that he was still the same Genji I knew.

I took a picture of the cut and the entry wound from the dagger. Judging by sliced artery cut and the projectiles of the blood around her, I'd say she was stabbed first, then cut into. McGary began to walk around carefully as he match projectiles.

"This writing." He called out. I already knew this was coming, and it wouldn't have been hard for him to look it up either.

"It means: Choose A Side." I replied. He glanced at it, then me, confusingly.

"That doesn't make sense-" he started, but was quickly cut off by the sound of the phone I was holding, as it began to ring. I slipped off my bloody gloves and slid my clean hand into the evidence bag. I was going to hand it to McGary but he just signaled for me to answer it.

"Hello?" I spoke into the line.

"Rein." Director Campbell greeted back.

"Is everything okay?" I asked. His voice seemed strained.

"Everything is fine. The hack was taken care of by the man you referred. I just- level with me Rein." Aaron pleaded.

"Okay." I replied.

"That hack sequence. I didn't recognize it at first but when that man was fixing the breach, the pattern became clear. You created this code, Rein... for us. Tell me how the Black Lotus now has it." He asked

"I don't know." I lied. There was a long pause on the other end before Aaron sighed and spoke again.

"How is it on your end?" He finally asked.

"We found a body." I replied.


"I think it's one of the copycats team members. The female. It looks like a bloody massacre happened in here." I explained.

"Jesus." Aaron groaned again. "Send me the pictures from the crime scene, I'll forward everything to the lab for facial recognition. What's the plan from here?" He asked.

"I've gathered everything I need. Our next stop should still be the Black Market." I replied. He gave me the okay before hanging up.

"What was that about? McGary asked, as he made his way over to me.

"Just Aaron being concerned. The firewall is back up and 100% patched up. It's time we start getting ready to go."

"What? There's a good amount of this museum that we haven't combed through."

"We won't find any DNA  here that will match the killer, and we aren't here for that." I explained to McGary. He stared at me, puzzled.

"Ofcourse we are. We need to find the sick fuck who did this."

"I already know who did this." I replied, as I slipped my bloody gloves into another evidence bag, before zipping up the Black bag.

"Who?" Commander McGary asked.

"Genji." I replied, "The man who did this. He goes by the name of Genji."

"How do you know that? How do you know him?" McGary pushed.

"He is my brother." I replied.


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