Chapter 23: Dead Man

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McGary's POV
I glanced at Rein as we both started to scrutinize over the photos. The home looked like a moderately large loft apartment somewhere upstate. Rein always had this puzzled face when she was looking for something. It was oddly captivating, and I often found myself getting lost in it.

"These photos here look like her with a few college buddies. Three of these guys look as if they could match the description for some of the men we saw on that surveillance video. Now that that's no longer in our possession, it's going to make it a lot more difficult to compare the men." Aaron noted as he circled in on a picture that was propped up on a bookshelf in Sarah's living room.

"I still have a clear memory of the video." I replied. "For now, we should be okay. On the tape, I counted five people total including Sarah, yet the group could be bigger. They must have someone who worked inside the Walten or someone who scoped the scene a few weeks prior too. I could run facial between these college buddies here and people who had visited the Walten within the last few weeks... more specifically, this wing of the building."

"That sounds good. I'll have the museum send over the tapes immediately." Aaron nodded. "I'll put both you and McGary on that for today. It may take a while considering their last exhibition here brought in many people."

I gave him a slight nod. Before Aaron could continue, McGary abruptly stood.

"Let's pause this chat for a quick second while I go grab more coffee." He requested, as he stood with the now empty pitcher, and stumbled out into the vacant halls. I couldn't help but crack a small grin from how sleep deprived he looked. As soon as he had left, the atmosphere in the room changed.

"I have far too many questions to ask you that a coffee run can cover, so let's get the important ones out of the way first." Aaron jumped in with a softer voice.

"Okay." I nodded to him.

"Where are we with Genji?" Aaron asked. I glanced up from the case at him, before glancing away again.

"He visited me last night." I replied honestly.

His hands slammed down onto the screen as he shot up from his desk. "He what? When?" He demanded. I had already anticipated this reaction.

"At around 1am. He broke into my apartment." I explained.

Aaron's entire body looked stressed now. His hands gripped the edge of the table firmly as he began to work on his breathing. "We'll up your security right away-"

Before he could finish that, I cut him off with a wave of my hand. "I already Installed a state of the art security system. Regardless of what you set up, Genji will have the means to get by it. I anticipated a visit by him at some point... we left on less than ideal terms 5 years ago. Now that I knew he was in New York, it was inevitable that he would find me."

"He shot an arrow into you." Aaron reminded me. I hadn't explained to him that Genji had also helped me escape that night. If it wasn't for his supplies, I wouldn't have been able to get on a flight to the U.S..

"Our relationship is complicated, Aaron. Regardless, I don't think the Black Lotus wants me dead just yet."

"Why do you say that?" He asked.

"Genji asked me to come home. He did make it known that the Black Lotus will not tolerate my cooperation with the U.S. government. That will not stop me from helping you, but it's not a threat to be ignored either. From now on, I would recommend doubling up on your security detail, because using either you or McGary as leverage against me wouldn't be beneath them."

"So essentially our lives are still in jeopardy." Aaron clarified.


"Wonderful." He groaned, sliding his hands through his hair. "How about Mushu?"

"Mushu has agreed to help me. He is currently setting something up with The Falcon." I replied.

"Well at least one thing didn't go to shit." Aaron sighed.

"It could, however. Shan Yu doesn't forget easily. This could most definitely go to shit." I reminded him. All I did was deepen his frown lines as he placed his head into his hands. "I think it's about time you get some real sleep." I had to wonder how late he stayed here for. His clothes were now wrinkly as his tie hung loosely around his neck.

He stayed like that, with his head in his hands, for a few seconds. I almost thought he had fallen asleep, yet after a moment, he pulled his head up again. "I think it's about time as well." Was all he said. For the first time in quite a while, I really took in his appearance. He had started to develop bags underneath his eyes.

I hadn't thought about it till now... but the demons I had brought up with returning must have been a lot for him as well. Some days, I had forgot about the sacrifices he had made to keep me safe. He had given up so much for a person he had just met.

I honestly owed him my life.

These past 5 years have brought us closer, but there are some things... some secrets, that could only die with me. I could tell he knew when I was still lying to him, but he also understood why. Through the losses he had experienced because of knowing me, he's learnt the value of secrets.

A man who knows too much is a dead man.


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