Chapter 14: The Event

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McGary's POV
I could feel my fists clench, then unclench, as I watched Rein hug the man that walked through. I'd never seen her be so comfortable with anyone, until this random guy showed up.

"This is Jason Masahiro." Rein introduced, as she turned back to us. He wasn't very tall... at all, or muscular in build.

There was no way he was Rein's type.

Did Rein have a type?

"Everyone calls me Mushu." He added, giving a nod and smile to both Director Campbell and I. Almost instantly, Campbell rose to his feet and offered the man a sturdy handshake that practically shook his entire body.

This guy was seriously small. He could only have been a few inches taller than Rein.

"This is the man I was telling you both about." Rein explained. "He has agreed to work with us, only if he's granted full immunity and discretion throughout the mission. His... status in the Black market must remain untarnished."

Director Campbell took a moment to digest the information before eventually nodding. "You have my word."

I don't think we had any other option at this point. Time was starting to run out.

"Up here, I am Jason Masahiro, but underground, I'm known as The Dragon." Mushu explained. Director Campbell's eyes grew wide at that.

"I've hear that name circulate before." Campbell cut in. "You specialize in the smuggling of illegal products out from Japan to America, right?"

"Yes." Mushu nodded. "Rein contacted me, explaining that she needed access into the underground networks again. I was happy to oblige."

"Again?" I asked, glancing back at Rein now.

"I- I did some dealings with a few men a while back. Things went south quickly, and I got out when I could." She explained.

Everything about that explanation was vague... But that was Rein for you.

"Her name has begun to die out among the chatter, but no man underground forgets a person who crossed them. I can get her in to talk with someone who might now where the gas had came from, but that's as much as I can do. If anyone found out I was helping out Rein, it may be taken as a declaration for war." Mushu continued.

"Whom did you wrong, Rein?" Campbell asked, beating me to asking the same question.

"His name is Shan Yu, but they call him The Falcon. He needed my assistance in transporting cargo to China, through Japan, but when I found out that the cargo was women, I cut ties." Rein replied.

"She also commandeered the shipment and freed the sex slaves that were kept in crates." Mushu cut in. "That left Shan Yu less than happy.

"Jesus," Campbell whispered, "Is there a chance he might cross paths with us?"

"Its unlikely, but not impossible." Mushu replied, "it's more likely that word will get around. Rein is going to need a very good cover, and even then, her face is memorable. If she can make it through the evening without being identified, you guys'll have your seller."

"What's the plan?" Campbell asked.

"I'm hosting an event. Most of the men that will be there, will be everyone I can think of who'd have access to military grade tear gas. It'll be an... exhibit of sorts," Mushu explained. "Rein will come in and mingle with these men... find out everything she can on the seller she's looking for, then slip out before people get too comfortable with her presence."

"The goal is that, once I'm in, I can hopefully figure out how much gas was sold with or without the seller present. These people like to talk... a lot. If I can get that information, then we'll know whether or not to look for an incredibly populated area which would be a perfect place for the next attack. We'll also, by then, have a lead into the Jane Doe we found in the museum. That information combined should be enough to find this team of copycats." Rein added.

"Please don't forget: you aren't the only ones looking for them. The possibility that there will be another member of the Black Lotus at this event, is highly likely. The odds of them recognizing Rein if they bump into each other is even more likely. I'll do everything I can to keep her safe," Mushu continued, as he glanced at both Campbell and I, "But I've only run into a few Black Lotus members in my lifetime. Every experience, may I add, has been incredibly painful."

"You've had run ins with members of the Black Lotus?" I asked.

Mushu glanced at Rein for a moment, before nodding. "Only a few in my lifetime. That's more than many men have had, and lived to tell. If possible, I'd like to avoid any confrontation during this party. Every man I've invited will be incredibly armed and deadly. Half of them have hundreds of murders under their belt, that have gone unaccounted for."

"How have you lived this long?" I asked.

"Yes, I may not look threatening, but this lifestyle is all about who you know. I, for one, am fortunate enough to deal with very dangerous people. I always keep a deal going, to ensure my safety and the products of my clients." Mushu explained. I nodded at this, as I finally got a sense of how smart this man really was.

"When is this event scheduled for?" Campbell asked.

"Tomorrow night. It'll be in one of my estate homes. I must have your word that there will be no other agents or police detail there. Rein will be the only one going in."

"You have my word." Campbell nodded at Mushu.

"Well I should be heading out then," Rein spoke, breaking the silence. "It looks like I have an event to prepare for."


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