Chapter 19: The Falcon pt. 2

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Rein's POV
"Where's Aaron?" I asked as we made it out to the street.

"He's still back at the hotel, I believe." McGary replied. I glanced at him before slightly before my hands moved to massage my temple.

Instead of replying to that, I pulled out his phone and shot a message to Director Campbell. "Get someone here. Now."

A message came in almost instantly.
"Excuse me? Get someone where? Please tell me you didn't take your ass somewhere it didn't belong." I glanced at the phone that wasn't mine, puzzlingly for a few moments until I realized that he probably thought this was McGary. Instead of replying, I gave him a call.

Moments later, the phone picked up on the other end. "Hello?" Aaron responded.

"Hey." I replied. I could hear a quite irritant groan on the other end.

"I'm sorry. I should have kept and eye on him this evening." Aaron sighed again.

"We'll talk about that when we reach the hotel. Can you send a car out as soon as possible?" I asked instead.

"Yes. One should be pulling up shortly. See you soon."

"See you." I replied, before the line went dead.


"Are you fucking kidding me?" Aaron all but yelled as we around the table of one of his conference rooms. "I tell you specifically to stay out of it and let Rein do her job. What do you do? Well you take it upon yourself to save the damsel who, should I fucking remind you, wasn't in distress!"

I could see McGary sort of cowering in his seat. It looked like he wanted to defend himself against these accusations but the time to speak most definitely wasn't now.

I had since then lost interest in this scolding, and turned to case files that were laying on the table. My name was called a few moments later.

"Yes?" I asked, glancing up.

"Regardless of how botched last night was, were you able to discover anything?" Aaron asked.

"Yes. Sort of. I struck up a conversation with one of the gentleman there-"

"He was the farthest thing from a gentleman." McGary cut in with a grumble. Aaron just shot him a look.

"Continue." Aaron urged.

"This man referred me back to the Falcon as a current main distributor of lethal weapons and poisonous gas." I explained. Aaron's fingers didn't hesitate to gravitate towards his temples. This was his signature stress relieving stance. I had probably just dropped one of the worst surprises I possibly could.

If the situation wasn't shit before, it definitely was now.

"So our distributor is most likely the man who you've pissed off the most in your lifetime?" Aaron asked. I nodded my head in return. "Well fuck, Rein." He sighed again.

"We do have options." I replied. Both Aaron and McGary looked back up at me in anticipation. "We still have this unidentifiable body. Let me work this angle to try and figure out who she is and who her partners might be. As for the Falcon situation, I can reach out to Mushu again. He may be able to set up direct contact with him if we are lucky.

"What I cannot guarantee is whether or not Mushu will agree. As far as I know, there is no personal issues between the two, but everyone knew about Jason's connection with me. Falcon may still hold some resentment so the risk is there with whether or not Mushu is willing to take into account the fact that he could die."

"Have you reached out to Mushu yet?" McGary asked.

"I reached out last night. He told me he would try to get back to me today. I told him to really think about it before answering." I replied.

"So what exactly would be happening between Mushu and The Falcon? Would it be just an informative meeting or an actual transaction?" Aaron asked.

"This would most definitely be an actual transaction. In order for The Falcon to buy it, Mushu is going to have to actually do business with him. Once the deal is set up, and the two parties meet, Mushu can reveal to The Falcon why he's buying this gas. If he says it's for a certain... job, he could then ask if more have been distributed within this area so he can have a better understanding of whether or not he should wait out before doing his job. The Falcon might then reveal to him just how much he's sold out of his own interest.

"Regardless of how much someone could make by selling large amount of lethal weapons, they rather not have a frenzy in the news that could potentially get traced back to them. This is why it'll be in The Falcon's interest to reveal this information to Mushu, his client." I explained. Both McGary and Aaron nodded.

"If Mushu is to accept this request, he most likely will not ask us for his protection, will he?" Aaron asked.

"I personally think Mushu would rather die than cooperate anymore with government officials." I replied. Both McGary and Aaron nodded in agreement. "This is why I told Mushu to think on it. He would have to rely on his men's abilities to keep him safe. There's no telling whether the Falcon will be hostile or not during this whole transaction."

"Well let's hope that's a risk he's willing to take." McGary replied as we all nodded in agreement.

Went on a little hiatus for school but I'm back!

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