Chapter 16: Suit and Tie

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McGary's POV
I fidgeted with the loose string that hung from the hem of my shirt's sleeve cuff. We had been waiting in the Lobby of the Crosby Street Hotel for what felt like hours, and I was just about ready to die.

Many things had started to eat away at me about the night, but what was most prominent was the thought of Rein going to this event alone.

Something told me she was more than capable of handling whatever the night might throw at her, but I couldn't shake the feeling of something going wrong tonight.

I was pulled out of my thoughts again by the sound of the hotel elevator dinging again. Aaron glanced up, then quickly rose to his feet. I glanced back at where he was looking at and almost tripped over the glass table by the couches as Rein hesitantly made it down the two steps towards us. She walked surprisingly well in the heels she wore.

"Holy shit." I whispered, at a loss for words. The dress had hugged every last curve on her body, and I couldn't help but blatantly stare. It was a simple short black dress with a high neckline, but what drew me in immediately, was the full arm tattoo I could finally see from the dress. The one I had been too curious about when I got a peek of it earlier at the airport.

The tattoo looked like it was the tail of a dragon wrapped around her arm, but I quickly noticed it followed up to her back as she turned slightly to set her jacket down. The open back of the dress with the lace sides almost killed me.

How was it possible for anyone to look this good?

"I-Is something wrong?" She asked seriously as she slipped a few stray strands that had fallen from her updo, out of her face. I had yet to see her hair down, but the updo was a nice change from the tight formal ponytail she usually wore.

"No. He's just at a loss for words. I think every man in this hotel is right now. You look absolutely stellar." Director Campbell replied, slapping me lightly upside the head as his way of telling me to get my shit together. "It's crazy seeing you this grown up."

"You missed quite a few years." She noted.

"Yes... but then again, I think you were always a little too grown for your age." Campbell added.

I knew the feeling was ridiculous to have... but I felt sort of jealous. I was jealous of the fact that there was history here- between Director Campbell and Rein. Every time I wanted to strike a conversation with her, realization would settle in on the fact that I knew practically nothing about her. They only common interest we shared was the case.

"I think I should head out soon so I'm not late." Rein replied, as she chose not to comment on Aaron's earlier words.

"Yes ofcourse," he replied, "Do you have everything you'll need for tonight?"

She nodded.

"Remember, try not to engage with someone, or get violent. All that will do is potentially blow your cover, bring violence into a small high populated area with incredibly trained killers, and draw out any member of the Black Lotus. Any of these three thing could be the reason you get killed tonight, and that's something we're going to try and avoid."

Rein nodded again in understanding. She slipped the coat she had set down onto the armchair, over her shoulders.

"I called a car for you that should be waiting right around this hotel entrance. We'll stay here at the hotel and wait for you. We couldn't bug you, or send in one of our men because that was the terms we agreed to, but if anything happens, you call us." Director Campbell added, as he flipped the collar out from her jacket. That was the closest thing to affection I'd seen him show with Rein the entire time they'd been in New York together.

Somehow, that was more than enough for her as she stepped back slightly. "See you in a few." She called to both Aaron and I, before making her way towards the entrance doors. I was still incredibly mesmerized by the amount of leg that was showing from the dress, and how long they looked with the heels she was wearing.

"You're drooling." Director Campbell whispered to me, as we both watched her get into her reserved car through the clear door panels.

"It's hard not to." I replied almost instantly. "I still feel unsure about sending her off like that alone. Couldn't we at least had a car parked nearer to the home to make sure she makes it in and out okay?"

"No. A car parked near a potentially illegal house party would look suspicious. A car parked near a potentially illegal house party with a man who doesn't leave the vehicle at all the entire night, would be incredibly suspicious. Anything we'd do from this point on, would just risk blowing Rein's cover." Campbell replied.

"Well why couldn't I have gone in? I took years of undercover training. I also would have been able to assure Rein's safety through the night."

"Mushu wanted only Rein there. He wouldn't have been able to keep track of two people throughout the party-"

"But I wouldn't of needed protection." I interrupted as we made our way into the elevators. Director Campbell slid his key card into the elevator slot, before choosing our floor.

"Not the point, Commander. It wasn't in our control." Was all Aaron said before we reached our floor. "Now go into your room and kill time until the event is over. Rein will contact us once she had left the party. She'll be fine."

I watched as he slid his card into his door slot and entered his room, before shutting the door swiftly behind him. I did the same with the room next door, but I still couldn't help this nagging feeling.

I could feel my body fidgeting for a few minutes as I stood in the center of the room, before finally making it towards my suitcase and propping it open.

Buried under a few sweaters and jeans, was a tailored suit and a tie.


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