The Parentals (Part 1)

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After a long day of lectures I was finally able to get back to my one true love; my bed. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a jar of Nutella, a pack of Mint Oreos, and a 2 liter bottle of Cherry Vanilla Coke. I then walk back to my room and change into a pair of track shorts and sports bra. Blake isn't due to be home for a while anyway.

Just when I'm snuggled with my laptop to enjoy some Netflix time, my phone starts ringing.

Grunting, I answer my phone.

"Hey Ma. What's wrong?"

"What? A mother can't just call her daughter without anything being wrong?"

"Right. Sorry."

"Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that your father and I have a meeting near campus so we were thinking that we should visit."

Oh Crap! I still haven't told my mother about my living "situation".

"Um, Ma. I haven't really settled in completely. Maybe we should wait a bit."

"Nonsense. We'll be there on Saturday at 9 am. That way we can spend the whole rest of the day together. That's the end of the discussion. See you then."

"Wait Ma- Great, she hung up."


I call Scarlett and Lili over and tell them the news. They agreed to help me come up with a plan to keep me at this school because if my parents find out they will take me back home with them. As much as I dislike the events that have occurred at this school, Preston Prep is still my dream college and I am not going down without a fight.

"So which one of you wants to pretend dorm with me?"

They look at each other slowly as if I asked them to pick who will be the one I sacrifice.

"Well thanks for boosting my confidence guys."

Lili looks up. "We didn't mean it like that. It's just that by the way you describe your mother, she seems very- how did I put it-

"Evil? Nasty? Intimidating? Shall I continue?"

"I was gonna say strict." 

"My descriptions are more accurate." We all started laughing.

We talked for the rest of the afternoon and decided that Scarlett will take Blake's place as my roommate. Now I have to give him a head's up. Great.


Hey Guys.

So I'm back as you can see. This is a short chapter but don't worry the second part of this chapter will be up shortly after this one. 

Again, I'm sorry for not being active for a year or so and you guys probably expected this chapter to be longer but please try to work with me. I decided to make this chapter into two parts just so you guys can get content quicker and after this is up I'll work on finishing the second chapter.

I hope you enjoyed.


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