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I try to act like everything is ok and I never got that text u did not want to make Budo stressed he was haveing a good day to. As I opened my locker a note fell out I picked it up and it said
"meet me on the roof during class"
Bodo walks over and puts his arm on my  shoulder and asks
"What is that?"
I quickly say
"Just a note from a girl asking to get ice cream"
He says back
"Ok we'll have fun"
He walks off I put on my school shoes on I make my way to the roof and see my old sempi so I walk up and say
"Did you leave me this note?"
He says
"Yes I did"
I ask
"Well what did you want to talk about?"
"I wanted to talk about you and me I miss my Yandere"
"Well I moved on so should you"
He pulls me close to him and say "what if I don't want to?"
Sorry guys this was short I am tired I post these at like 12:00 but u posted early and I might not be able to make new chapters every day my dance team as a lot of classes so I'm busy
Bye bye :) <3

Budo loves me ( Yandere x budo ) Where stories live. Discover now