Anyone Got A Broom?

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Nicole and AJ are in bed, April's head on Nicole's bare stomach as the Bella is silently breathing.

"Babe? Are you asleep?"

"No." Nikki answers. "I'm still in a post-orgasm haze." Her response makes AJ chuckle. "Damn, I'm convinced you're not human sometimes. You have a lot of energy stored up in that tiny body of yours."

"I mostly focused on cardio when I used to train with the WWE. I had a fast-paced move set and couldn't afford to be winded." She explains, Nicole humming in response and playing with her girlfriend's hair.

"You miss being out there? In the ring?"

The Black Widow sighs, "Yeah. Sometimes. Meeting the new Divas, seeing them train and kill it in the main roster and NXT, watching the Divas I fought with and against reaching new heights in their careers, that's what made me happy. I wanted everyone I was around to be on my level, even though I bragged that no one was."

"How very ironic of you." The Bella jokes, AJ hitting a love bite she made on Nikki's thigh. "Ah! I'm still sensitive!"

"I know."

"Hmph." She huffs, "So what are your plans for the future?"

"Us, or the WWE?"

"I meant the WWE, but you might as well do both."

AJ hums in thought before clearing her throat. Her tongue clicks on her teeth before answering, "Well, with the WWE, now officially being in charge over these women scare me. I don't sign their paychecks but now they're totally dependent on me, their storylines, character development, championship runs, all of that falls on my lap now when I used to pitch ideas and set up matches. I appreciate what you did for me, I'm just anxious is all."

"That's totally understandable. But these women trust you. I trust you. You're not in this alone, April. Yeah we may have a few mishaps but life isn't perfect. We make mistakes."

AJ giggles, "If someone told me close to a year ago that I'd be here with Nikki Bella in an afterglow heart-to-heart I would've laughed in their face."

Nicole rolls her eyes with a smile. "What exactly did you hate about me?"

"I assumed." AJ clears. "I thought you were a stuck up bitch. That you got opportunities against me for my title because of your looks, or that John put in a good word for you. I felt like you didn't accomplish anything to have acted the way you were." Although she did ask the question Nicole was a little hurt at finding out that this was how AJ really felt about her that whole time. "And you? Why did you hate me?"

"I didn't." AJ sits up to find Nikki's face calm, the Bella shrugging.


"What? I didn't hate you, I despised the fuck out of you."

"There we go, the truth!" AJ chuckles.

"Honestly? I was mostly jealous. I mean, I'd been working for the WWE for about five to six years when you joined the main roster. And in just two years, you were a three time, longest reigning Divas Champion. I'd never even won the title before, Brie did and lost it like two to three weeks afterwards. The fans loved you so much, you were getting pushed as a heel or face. When you left for vacation or an injury, Paige took your place. Her first two years she was a two time champion. She was good with the fans. When you came back you just shot straight into the title picture. I felt that it wasn't fair. I busted my ass off, I cried, I bled and I sweat more than you had at the company but you got all the things I prayed for in two years. And you made sure everyone else knew it in the ring."

The Geek Goddess pulls Nicole up in a sitting position, her fingers pushing the stray hairs out of Nikki's face, "I never knew about this. We both thought that the other was being unfair. I thought you were getting unfair opportunities and you thought it was unfair how I got all of the opportunities but you didn't have any."

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