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Brianna shook off the effects Leah's words were starting to have on her. Sure Nikki had the spotlight but Brie didn't mind. Yeah Nicole originally didn't want to wrestle but she found a love for the sport along the way and that was all Brie could've asked for. Nikki had more achievements under her belt but Brie wasn't an ambitious woman like Nicole was. So everything Leah told her didn't matter, because Brie knew the real truth.

She didn't ask about you not once your entire hiatus. You've been gone for months.
But she's had her own problems, the war? Hello?
And has she asked for your help yet? No. Why are you even here? Because you decided on your own to help Nikki, like you always do. Has she even come to you for advice?
I know Nicole.
I do as well.

Brie shakes the bad thoughts away.

"Hey, look who came back." She looks up and sees Roman there. "Now, I'm not here to start anything. I just missed seeing you around these parts. We need some of your sunshine to brighten this place up." He chuckles, further assessing Brie's mood. "But it looks like you've had your battery drained as well. Wanna talk to me? I already finished my work here tonight."

Brianna denies, "I have work to do tonight, and it's nothing. I'll be fine." She brushes off with a forced smile. Roman starts looking around before grabbing Brie's hand and taking her to a nearby supply closet. "Roman what the hell?" She whisper yells. "Let me out!" His big build blocks her hopes of getting to the door.

"Bri, you know I'm only doing this because I care sweetheart. You need to talk to someone and get these feelings out of you. I may be the source of some of those troubles but I'm fine with that. I know Nicole's been too busy for you, and-"

"Please stop. I know we agreed on being friends but Joe. This isn't- this is too much."

"Too much? Brianna, something's truly bothering you and I want to help you out as a friend. I know my boundaries, trust me. You've been telling me them since the start."

"So now they're coming out right? How you really feel about us?"

"You told me there wasn't an us to begin with. Just what are you talking about?"

"Oh please! This bullshit lie about you accepting us being friends? Although you claimed to have been in love with me?"

Roman scoffs, pushing his hair back, "Ok, first of all, claim? I don't bullshit about love alright? My feelings for you have been real, I've been one hundred percent about this from the jump. You've been constantly shoving in my face that Daniel was the only guy for you, how you only loved him and I was wrong to feel the things I do for you. So I let it go, because me pursuing you only caused trouble and that was the last thing I wanted."

"Flirting with a married woman? And you didn't want any trouble? Are you a fucking idiot?!" Her voice starts to raise.

"Says the woman that almost cheated on her husband with this very idiot on the way to Florida!" Roman gets loud as well, both of them forgetting of their actual location.

"Fuck you Joe!" Brianna cries.

"You've already fucked me over Brie! Don't you get it? Constantly giving me hope only to stab me in the chest again and again. But I dealt with it because I felt something different with you. And I knew you felt something for me too. But I was wrong. So this time I'm just washing my hands completely clean of this shit. You wanna burn all of your bridges Brianna? Go right the fuck ahead. But you better have a team willing to build new ones." He opens the door to find an audience and saw key faces.

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