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It was game on. Leah had pushed too far and now AJ wasn't stopping until this war was over. She left Nicole in the care of her peers while she made a phone call to Vince.

"Mm, hello?" He answered.

"Mr. McMahon-"

"Vince works the same, AJ dear. How can I help you?"

AJ licks her lips, "I-I can't do it. Leah's now trying to destroy my family. I can't just sit there and let her break Nicole down. She's already caused Brie to turn on her."

She can hear Vince whistle. "Ok. If you fight in this war April, you can't use the power you have in WWE. You'd be just like a talent, only fighting. Are you ok with that?"

"Nicole needs me. I'll do anything for her." AJ rolls her eyes at Vince's reaction, which was a loud drawn out "awwwwww".

"Ok. Consider it done." AJ was giving her thanks when she saw Renee zoom past her into the locker room. She hangs up the call to see what's got the blonde in a rush.

"Carmella's out there right now with Cass, Enzo and Billie. They're gonna announce Brie and she's gonna call you out-" The announcer explains in a rush to Nikki.

"Wait, what? She just can't wait, can she?" Naomi snaps.

"I'm going." Nikki stands, getting herself together. "Alone for now. If things start getting crazy then come. I need to face this alone."

"Nicole, don't you know that one man can't win an entire war? You don't show up on enemy lines with one person, hoping that things don't get violent. It's better to show your numbers now to show your enemy just what they're up against." Tamina informs, much to the approval of the other women.

"Fine. It's just- I didn't want Brie to think that I brought all of you against her." Nikki grabs her Fearless SnapBack, putting it on.

"When she sides with our enemy, she becomes the enemy. Brie was smart enough to make this decision, so she must live with the consequences." Mercedes pats Nikki's shoulder. "So let's go."

And so Nikki hits the halls with Sasha, AJ, Naomi and Tamina backing her up, the other women staying backstage to watch out for any surprise enemies still lurking.

"Nikki!" Roman pushes his hair back, "Look, I know I should be the last person talking to you but I heard the news about Brie turning. That ain't right."

"Thanks Ro but this isn't your fight." Nikki dismisses.

"But it's mine." Daniel walks up to them as well. "I'm agreeing with Roman here. This isn't like Brie. When I saw Carmella with her I knew something wasn't right."

"You saw them together in the locker room? When?" Nikki asks. Daniel scratches his beard.

"About a few minutes after that shit in the halls, the same shit that I'm still pissed at Roman about." Roman gives Daniel a sheepish smile.

"Can you believe that? Carmella just swooped in and took advantage of Brie like that!" Naomi huffs.

"Actually, at this point I believe any low down rotten thing Carmella's accused of." Tamina nods, folding her arms. "But even if we tell Brie this, she probably won't believe us. So what? We're supposed to fight her anyway regardless of knowing this is what Carmella wants?"

AJ has the smile of a deviant on her face, Daniel looking on with worry while the woman stares into nothing just smiling.

"AJ." Daniel calls out, the woman seeming to snap back to reality.

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