Soon to be Boyfriends and Brother

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~Y/n's POV~
       We really have to stop meeting like this" he said to me. At the moment I had to charge at hims. He kick me in the stomach. "We have to think smart about this" Maka said. "Don't let you anger get to you" Soul exclaimed after Maka. I knew they were right. I didn't have a meister and he had magic. Everyone was in weapon form. They attack.
      London wasn't a meister but a weapon. "Funny thing is my meister is Shane" she said as me and her were about to fight. Neither one of us had our meister so we had a hand's on fight. I blocked every move she came at me with. I gave her a kick to the face.
      "You always told me how much of a sister I was to you, yet you do this to me" I said. "You ruined everything!" She said to me. As we started battle we were still abusing each other each other words. "You took everything I never got. My brother loved you more than he loved me. My parents payed more attention to you and not me" I shouted wanting to cry. "Whenever you succeed at something they threw a party. When I succeed I got a thumbs up. They loved you more as a daughter than me. I wanted you out of my life but you keep coming back!" I couldn't fight anymore. "I guess we only got along because Shane abused the both of us" I said as I was down.
      I know knew how Shane felt to feel left out. Right as I was ready to fight again London gave me a uppercut to the face. "I was a better daughter then you could ever be. That's why they loved me more than you!" She said. "Ragnarok. Now!" I said as my voice changed into Crona's.
               ~Crona's POV~
    "See you passed out after y/n kicked you. That gave us the time for me to switch forms into her" I told London as she looked surprised. As she kept looking at me she was distracted. Y/n came from behind her with Ragnarok and jabbed him through London's back. She gasped. Everyone's attention was now on her. "I'm sorry. I love you" she cried as she pulled Ragnorak out of London.
     Her soul was just floating there. "Who gets the soul?" She asked. "She was your closest friend. Like a sister. So you take it" Black Star said. As I ate the soul I felt a tear going down my eye. "Ok. We have to finish Shane" I said holding my emotions back. "Crona, I'm gonna need Ragnorak. That's ok right? She asked me. "Yeah. Just know he can be a little mean" I told her. She chuckled.

                  ~Y/n's POV~
    "I protected you as long as I can. I can't help you no more" I said to him ready to end this. "Helped me. Is that what you think you did. You exposed me to that boy. You weren't suppose to tell" he said. "They would of found you out anyway. Besides. You weren't getting any better and if someone doesn't stop you this city will be in danger" I told him ready to fight. "And who's suppose to stop me. You!! "Your not gonna abuse this town like you did me when mom and dad were alive" I told him holding Ragnarok. You don't even know what I'm capable of" he said as he charged at me. "Ragnorak!" I shouted. "Go bee?" He asked. "Go bee!" I answered. Ragnarok and his powerful screeched hold him back for awhile. "I do know what our capable of" I screamed.
As I went to attack him, he jabbed his sword in the leg. I was limping but I made it work. I ran towards him as he hit me in the next with his sword. I hurt so bad. I couldn't stand. He was coming towards me and I knew what I had to do. As we almost reached me I jabbed Ragnorok into Shane's chest. He fell on me as his blood splattered everywhere. He coughed up blood on my face. I was holding my dead brother. I started to cry. "It will be okay" Black Star giving me a hug as I cried in his arm.

Wasn't my best chapter but, it worked. Stay tune.

The Day She Came(A soul eater x reader)Where stories live. Discover now