You know to deal with this Crona

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~Y/n's POV~
I'm guessing I wasn't just hearing things because the rest of the gang came out. We ran towards the center of town. When we got their it was......
5hours before
               ~Y/n's POV~
Once I got back to the house no one was there. I went to the DWMA. They were all there. "Wow! You'll we're excited for school weren't y'all" I said as me and Black Star grabbed each other's hands. I was blushing too hard. "Calm down your turning as bright as a tomato" Soul said with his arms around me. "Let her be, she's not gonna get over that fact that haven't made it official. So......" Kid said looking at us two. This made me blush harder. Me and Black Star faced each other. "Well I think we should make it official" I told him. "Yeah but, first one thing. Black Star climbed on top of one of the spikes.

             ~Black Stars POV~
        "From this day on I declare y/n my girlfriend so all of you guys stay away". I could tell I caused her to blush more. I jumped off the spike and we notice this boy. He had to be new. "Omg Caleb is that you?" She exclaimed to this guy as she ran into his arms. Now my heart was the one sinking.
     We all walked to them. "Ok so everyone this is Caleb. We use to live near each other before I moved down hear. Caleb this is Tsubaki, Soul, Liz, Patty, Kid, Maka, and, Black Star" she introduced us. She looked me in the eye when she said my name. "You were serious about that?" He asked her. She shook her head yes. They looked at each other and y/n started blushing even more. "So this is the one you said was hot" Caleb said to y/n making her blush the most I've seen. "Hot" I said chuckling. "She described you as"------before he could finish he finish y/b cut him. "Please don't. I said some real messed up stuff when I'm not sober" she said. "Love" he screamed. "Why.... Did you.... Omg! I'm going to class she said. We instantly started laughing. 

               ~Y/n's POV~
       I couldn't believe he did that. As I was sitting in class Crona looked depress. "What's wrong Crona?" I asked the depress boy. "How does everybody have somebody except me?" He said. "I bet Maka would love to go out with you sometime" I said as I looked at her. "Actually that would be nice" Maka said as she blushed a little. Crona froze. "It okay. I can help. How about tomorrow after school. I'll plan everything. I'm like your personal chauffeur just without the car since I'm only 15" I said making everyone laugh. "Help him on a date. Wow!" A sarcastic Ragnarok said. "Ragnarok!" I shouted. "Crona will be fine" I told Ragnarok. "Know while their on their date you'll be with me" I told him. "Yeah" he shouted. "And Black Star" I added. "Aww. Stop toying with my heart woman" he said as we laughed.
~Crona's POV~
I.... I.... Don't how to deal with a date with...... With..... Maka. Maka gave me a sincere smile and I stared blushing. Weird right. I just didn't know if I could deal with this.
After class I was walking down the steps when Maka approached me. "Are you excited for our date?" She asked me. I shook my head yes. "Cool I will see you tomorrow" she said as she gave me a kiss on the cheek. In that moment I felt paralyzed. I couldn't move.
The next day at school Maka sat next to me. "I'm excited. Are you?" She asked. "Yeah. Very much" I told her. I really couldn't wait anymore.

           Time Skip back to this morning

~Y/n's POV~

I'm guessing I wasn't just hearing things because the rest of the gang came out. We ran towards the center of town. When we got their it was gone. There was this big hole in the middle of Death City. "What happen to our city?" Black Star asked. As I looked in the hole I saw...... Someone. We ran down there. "Caleb. Is that you. Your still trying to fight him?" I asked. "you know him?" I Black Star asked. "Before I moved her we lived next door to each other" I told a curious Black Star. "Who are you fighting" Tsubaki asked.
In that moment a boomerang with a blade on the came out of nowhere and skinned me. "Magic" I said answering Tsubaki. "Who?" They asked at once looking at me confused. "He's a witch that lived in my old city". His weapon"------ you can already guess who interrupted me. "He has a weapon and he's a witch?" Black Star asked. "Yes. His mom was a witch and dad was a meister" I told him.
Caleb was up but he could fight. I was gonna need more stitches. Surprisingly for some reason Stein was here. Well I guess if a explosion went off you would be here too. I guess he could give me the stitches right then and there. As Magic got closer the more I knew I had to help. I don't even have meister and the person who could use me was dead. Wait. Maybe Shane wasn't the only person. "Black Star, your gonna have to fight with me I told him. He gave me a sly brow. He was ready.

~Black Stars POV~
As she transformed into a weapon it was amazing. She turned into two double blade Katanas. Her colors were purple and black. I guess I should of saw that coming since she always wore those colors.
"Okay Black Star are you ready?" She asked me. "I'm always ready to fight" I answered her. As we ran towards this Magic man he dodged our moves. His weapon came flying at us. I ducked but, I always forget, the boomerang comes back.
       It sure enough did and hit me in the head. I fell to the ground. "Black Star are you okay" she asked me. "Yeah. The blade didn't hit me" I told her. Kid fired at him. Instead it hit y/n knocking her out my hand. "Watch were your shooting that" I said to kid. "It should of hit him" he said. "That's right I reversed it so it the direction I wanted it to" Magic said.
    In that moment blood gushed from behind him. Y/n was out if weapon form now. "What.... Who" I asked. In that moment when he fell we saw Caleb behind him and his weapon in Magics back. "He gave his weapon the soul".
                 ~Y/n's POV~
     Me and Crona went shopping. Liz and Patty were taking care of Maka. "First we have to get you a tux. You'll were a simple black and white one. It's nice and simple"I said as she actually didn't seem worried. After buying the tux we went to Tsubaki and Black Stars. Crona looked amazing in her tux. "Well Ragnarok, I decided to let you go with them on the date. Just incase Crona gets nervous" I told him.
               ~Maka's POV~
       My dress was black and white. Y/n said it went along with what she planned for our date. My dress was a medium length. They curled my hair and it looked amazing. In that moment someone knocked on the door. I knew they were there.
      "You look amazing" Crona said as he gave me a corsage. "Thank you. You look very handsome" I told him. "Well let's get going. This night won't last forever" y/n said grabbing both of our hands.
       "Where are we going?" I asked her. "Just wait and see" she answered. "Why did she have to leave us hanging" I thought in my head. We arrived at a restaurant. "You planned this for us. Did you and Black star come here for y'all first date. "No. We went to a garden. " she answered. "Something out the box I like" I told her standing in front of the restaurant. "More like outside Death City" she said pushing us in. "Have an amazing time" she exclaimed as we headed in.
      We had a booth in a dark corner. "May I get your drinks for the lady?" Our waiter asked. "Ill take a lemon ice-tea" I told him. "And for the gentlemen" he asked Crona. "I'll have the same" he told the waiter.
               ~Crona's POV~
    I was sitting here on a date with Maka. I'm kinda nervous. Once our  drank a came it was 8:30pm. "I'm excited we got to do this" I told her. "Me too" she answered. We ordered and our food got here about 5minutes later. "She looked to pretty even if I could barely see her in the dark. As we started to eat I light went on over top of us.
      Me and Maka were just staring at it. "How come that light wasn't on earlier?" Maka asked me. I gave her a -I-don't-know shoulder strug. We left at 9pm and we went to kids. "Tonight was fun!!" She told me. "Yeah, it actually was!" I said. I could actually feel normal with her. She grabbed my hand and leaned for a kiss. I leaned in the rest of the way. It lasted for a minute.
When we turned to kids house everyone was at standing on the steps watching us. They started chanting. We all went in Kids house and watched a movie. I sat next to Maka, Kid sat in the middle of the twins, and of course y/n sat in the middle Tsubaki and Black Star. This was amazing.
~Y/n's POV~
   "WoW! How did you get your kiss on your first date. It took me forever to get my kiss from Black Star" I said causing everyone to laugh. We were watching a scary movie. The girl was going through a room, but of course like most movies the killer was in the. So he took his ax and cut her in the neck. I shrieked as I huddled into Black Stars arms eyes. He was laughing. Was must've fell asleep without finishing the movie. "Did anyone see the end" I asked. Everyone said no. Well we should probably get to school.
As we walked to school I couldn't help but notice Maka and Crona holding hands. "Is it official?" I asked Maka. They looked at each other as we walked. "Yes it is" Crona answered. In that moment I couldn't help, but do this. Black Star rubbed off on me. I ran all the way to the spike and climbed on it. "Every girl and boy Maka and Crona are now off limits and if anyone dares try to break them up I will pound y'all faces in. That's all" I was done with my announcement and we finish walking walked of to class. "We'll surpass God together!Black Star said to me. "We'll surpass God together" I said to him.


The Day She Came(A soul eater x reader)Where stories live. Discover now